RISE Newsletter — April 2018

Published in
5 min readApr 30, 2018

Hello RISE community,

As we are at the end of April, it is time to recap activities the team have been involved in this month. We hope this allows you to catch up with the milestones we have reached this month.

Technology Developments

It has been a very notable month for the RISE development team, as we have released the RISE TypeScript Core 1.0.0 to mainnet.

You can read more about the RISE journey to mainnet in this post here: RISE Core 1.0.0 Meets Mainnet. We invite everyone to download the new RISE core and help us continuously improve. Instructions are available in our Github repository.

This milestone was picked up by various online outlets. You can read the Press Release here on CryptoNinjas and Coinatory. You will also be able to retweet mentions from XBTMoney, CryptoNewswire and BitcoinsGuide.

We have already created GitHub projects that will be regularly updated with the issues and tasks we would like to implement for each new version.

In addition, the Development team has worked on:

  • Improving our unit tests. Two key tasks were to increase coveralls, reviewing and improving the quality of the unit tests done. Unit testing involves subjecting each piece of code to a series of tests, after every change to the source code. The more often we run unit tests, the better as we can identify if there are any bugs or issues.
  • The code base has been checked with a static analysis tool (SonarTS) and several recommendations have been implemented.
  • Improving efficiency between node communications through enhanced Peers Logic by making sure that an invalid/lagging node is not constantly added and removed to the list. This should improve performance and reduce useless log entries.
  • We have migrated the codebase to support a newer version of NodeJS (version 8) compared to the previous version we were using (version 6). As well as, rewriting the whole database layer using a more robust JS library. This will bring us more efficiency.
  • We are working on new and improved RISE wallets.

Finally, Andrea has been working on the integration for RISE support on the Ledger Nano. We need your help to vote for RISE on the Ledger roadmap. For reference, you will need a Trello account to comment and vote.

Team Developments

The RISE team would like to officially welcome two new members to the project. Firstly, Mart has joined the team this month, he is a polyglot developer, with over 15 years of experience crafting web, desktop, mobile applications and backend software. Mart will be creating new RISE wallets that will be user-friendly and easy to maintain going forward. Secondly, Rajesh has also joined the team as a Community Manager, with experience in managing crypto communities for over 20 ICO’s to date. He is also a programmer interested in adapting blockchain technology.

RISE is actively seeking new recruits to further development, please check out our Careers page and we are offering a referral bounty for talented developers.

Everyone can help us on our mission to develop an ecosystem for developers to build DAPPs, so please get in touch. You can contact us for suggestions, referrals and speculative applications via our website.

Website Developments

The new and improved RISE website was officially launched in April. You can read more about the design here: Welcome to the new RISE website. Please explore and share the site as we aim to keep this well maintained and updated. We have introduced Google Analytics, which will help us make more informed decisions on how to engage with our marketing channels going forward.


A whitepaper is something nearly all projects must have before they start development. Our initial thinking was to completely rewrite the whitepaper, however, we believe it will be more beneficial to create a ‘Litepaper’. This will build on the initial whitepaper written in 2016, but cover more deeply the problems RISE is addressing today and how RISE can solve these problems in the future. We will include progress on development and features of the platform that will allow our audience to contextualise the entire project from a business/commercial viewpoint.

RISE Question & Answer

We wanted as many people as possible to participate in the Q&A without having to create an account on a specific social media platform, therefore,we have decided to simplify this with a Google form. You will be able to submit multiple times if you have more than 3 questions. This form will be open for questions until Thursday 3rd May 11pm GMT.


We intend to publish all questions submitted the following week with answers depending on the volume of submissions.

RISE Monthly Statistics

The below chart highlights the number of RISE voted to elect the 101 Delegates (89,167,730) and then 101 to 202 Delegates (4,556,224) securing the network and non-voting RISE (30,105,041).

Total RISE Supply 123,828,995. Chart generated 30th April 2018.

To close on this month, we thank the community for promoting RISE and we hope to give you more great news as we progress the vision of RISE.

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RISE Vision PLC (token symbol RISE) is an ecosystem for developers, offering a platform for the development of decentralised applications powered by a community driven Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) blockchain.

Disclaimer: RISE is not a security, and token holders are not investors. There is no guarantee you will make any money from holding RISE tokens, and you do not own any part of RISE VISION PLC or any entity as a result of owning RISE tokens.

