Singular NFT Marketplace: Collections Overview

Trading Volume, Collections, Most Expensive Items, and more!

3 min readJan 19, 2023


This article will deeply examine the trading numbers, focusing on the Singular Kusama iteration and RMRK 2.0 collections.

Daily Volume & Transactions

Since its inception, the total trading volume of RMRK 2.0 NFTS in the Singular NFT Marketplace is over 169,000 KSM (Kusama’s governance token). The number of transactions is almost 40,000. The chart below breaks these numbers down by day and month, from which we can find interesting data.

There are two days with a spike in the number of transactions. The first one, March 3rd, 2022, had 657 transactions. We also can see that it was a day with no particularly high trading volume.

And the second one was Apr 16th, 2022. We dove into these two days in the chart below to highlight the traded collections. On March 3rd, the most traded collection was RMRK Banners, and on Apr 16th, it was the Moonglade Collection.

Collections & Items — Trading Volume, Number of Transactions, Average Price

The Kanaria Birds Genesis Collection is the most traded collection on Singular, which is natural, as it was the debut collection of the platform. Removing it (as we saw its stats in a previous article) and the Kanaria Genesis Items Collections (that will be the subject of a dedicated article), we have the following picture:

These collections transacted over 29,000 KSM, with 7 going over 1,000 KSM. Taking into account the number of transactions for each collection, we can also get the following picture:

That brings us an interesting mix: Collections with a high number of transactions of relatively cheap NFTs and Collections with few transactions of more expensive NFTs. Special mention goes to Chaos DAO Ape and Kusama Kings, with the highest average prices.

And that leads us to the next question: Which items had the highest price?

Without any surprise, Chaos DAO Ape has 6 spots in the top 20, and Kusama Kings, 5 spots. The collection with the highest trading volume, Kusama Queens, secured 4 spots. You can click on the item to check its details on Singular. However, the collections in the Top positions on the Trading Volume chart had a lot of transactions. So let’s check the most traded collections.

The average item price in the chart shows that most collections have an item value of under 1 KSM, and that high transaction numbers helped them to secure a spot on the Top 20 Volume chart. RMRK Events, RMRK Profile Banners, and XChimpz are on Top 5 there, and 11 collections had more the 600 transactions in the period.


Singular has established itself as a solid NFT marketplace in Kusama. There is project diversity, and the volumes are high. Most projects leveraged the nesting capability and composability of the RMRK 2.0 Protocol to create a base (or main) collection and additional ones to complete the Project Lore, and having them all in one place is very convenient.

A future post will focus on the users: Most active traders, Top buyers and sellers, NFT whales, and other metrics!

