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Roots and Branches
Roots and Branches
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Myths of Southern Timber

Once again I find myself with material that’s not going to make it into the book.

I have argued here (and more concisely and correctly in a forthcoming article) that forestry emerged by the third century BCE as growing states faced the threat of wood and…

Energy commons and the “third industrial revolution”

Jeremy Rifkin’s book on the “Third Industrial Revolution” has been out for a while, but I was thinking about the concepts and had a sudden brainstorm that seemed worth writing down.

Seasonal Regulations on Woodcraft and Agriculture

Continuing my research into woodcraft in the classics, I have made a summary of seasonal regulations regarding woods or the office of Forest Warden. Whether or not these specific regulations were ever put in place, they give us a clear sense of…

The Office of Forester

As noted in my last post, there are many references to woodcraft in the Classics dating from the early first millennium BCE; the earliest references to foresters as a type of specialist appeared sometime around then as well.