Frustrated with the state of UX research? These nine experts are too.

Anne Mamaghani
Rosenfeld Media
Published in
7 min readFeb 23, 2023

See what has inspired these research experts to share critical improvements to the field at the upcoming Advancing Research 2023 conference by Rosenfeld Media.

Image of the nine featured speakers from the AR 2023 conference with the conference logo.

For an introduction to the Advancing Research 2023 conference and its themes, see the first post in this conference blog post series.

The Speakers of Theme Two: Researchers As Organizational Changemakers

Speaker Prayag Narula, who is presenting a panel with Rida Qadri, on their topic HCI 2.0: Humanity Deserves the Attention that UX Research has to Offer:

What inspired you to propose the topic of researchers’ role in managing the data collection required for more responsible AI?

Rida and I have both conducted research on technology’s impact on society. Many smart people have, but I firmly believe we still haven’t done enough as an industry to connect on-the-ground research with computing decisions. We’re not learning from the mistakes of the past. In fact, we’re sweeping real criticism under the rug. Now is the time to understand how critical our role is in the advancement of AI.

What about responsible AI is most relevant to other researchers?

Human-centered innovation is not only relevant to all of us — it’s our responsibility to help others make more socially conscious and informed decisions. Nobody has the answers on how powerful technologies will impact the world at large. But the advancing research community has the power, skill set and expertise to ask the hard questions and figure it out.

How did you acquire the expertise that has made you an expert on this topic?

I credit the amazing people I talk to on an ongoing basis. I’ve also written several highly cited research papers and peer-reviewed articles on HCI, design research, and the social impact of technology, especially in the area of crowdsourcing. As the CEO and co-founder of two different tech companies, I’ve seen firsthand what happens when we don’t implement qualitative research findings into the technology we build.

Speaker Mike Oren, who is speaking on Why Pharmaceutical’s Research Model Should Replace Design Thinking:

What inspired you to propose an alternative model to design thinking for AR2023?

My experience using this approach at some companies as well as teaching a course at IIT ID to inspire students to think of research as more of a means to help businesses grow.

What about the “fail early and fail often” model is most relevant to other researchers?

Shift from thinking about creation to creative destruction is particularly appropriate when capital for growth becomes constrained.

How did you acquire the expertise that has made you an expert on your topic?

In addition to a dual degree PhD in Human-Computer Interaction and Sociology, I have also been taking business courses through Stanford Business school, Harvard Business school, Oxford Säid School of Business, etc. (online learning creates great opportunities!) I have also been working in research, usually as the first researcher in the door and building a practice/team, for over a decade.

Carl Turner, whose topic is You Can Do This: Understand and Solve Organizational Problems to Jumpstart a Dead Project:

What inspired you to propose the topic of how to apply everyday research techniques to reviving dead projects for AR2023?

My experience on the project that I describe in the case study. It was a series of organizational blockers that had to be overcome so the project could move forward.

What about this approach to revising dead projects is most relevant to other researchers?

It’s a frequent complaint among researchers that their work isn’t used to its full potential. I’ve had the same experience, and I’d like to see the problem addressed and fixed.

How did you acquire the expertise that has made you an expert on your topic?

By working as a team lead on IT projects over the past 10 years or so that were stalled because of organizational issues, and often (not always) being able to fix the issues.

The Speakers of Theme Three: Transforming Our Craft

Jennifer Fraser, who is speaking on What would Emmy Noether Do? Math, Models and Mulling in UX Research:

What inspired you to propose sharing about how “lean” research approaches can miss fundamental aspects for AR2023?

As a consultant, I have worked with many companies where Data Science and UX are siloed from each other, and this seems like such a missed opportunity to improve the products and services on which we are working.

What about the approach is most relevant to other researchers?

It proposes an approach (systems thinking, and more specifically ecosystem modeling) that can be used to bridge between various domains within an organization, including Data Science.

How did you acquire the expertise that has made you an expert on your topic?

From years of working as a consultant into various companies and seeing how ecosystem modeling can be. powerful took for alignment across disciplines and stakeholders.

Speakers Cara Maritz and Rachel Ny on The Art of Extrapolation:

What inspired you to propose maximizing the reliance on secondary research as a topic for AR2023?

In a leaner climate, it’s a timely moment to reflect on how we get more out of our time and labor while also maximizing research influence.

What about getting the most out of secondary research is most relevant to other researchers?

As Rachel and I will show, researchers are best placed to set up their workflow or research infrastructure in such a way as to help not only themselves but also their team. I don’t imagine many other functions can wrangle data from different corners of organizations as effectively as researchers can.

How did you acquire the expertise that has made you an expert on your topic?

Needing to be pragmatic about research timelines and expectations from stakeholders. Seeing how reporting can influence decisions without adding months to my timeline.

Speaker Mansi Gupta, presenting Women-Centric Research: What, Why, How:

What inspired you to propose women-centric design as a topic for AR2023?

We usually create and design based on and anchored on what exists, rather than daring to dream about what could be. Often, minoritized groups including women, experience the consequences of this more deeply. Women-Centric Research, a way to broaden our scope and methods, is one way to shift our ways of doing.

How did you acquire the expertise that has made you an expert on your topic?

I’m not an expert on this topic, but rather someone who was curious about what exists at the intersection of women, design and social impact. With this inquiry in mind, I began to engage in deep research and reflection with gender practitioners around the world to learn from them: what they’ve learned about women and girls, and about designing for women and girls, by designing with and for them for decades.

Victor Udoewa, speaking on Research in the Pluriverse:

What inspired you to propose this as a topic for AR2023?

I was invited.

What about this is most relevant to other researchers?

I’m not sure. It’s really about recognizing other ways of doing research based on other ways of being and knowing all around the world and decentering Anglocentric ways and centering a pluriverse of ways (and reasons) to do research.

How did you acquire the expertise that has made you an expert on your topic?

I’m not an expert. I’m simply describing a reality that I have experienced and one that happens around the world.

The UX Research Field Needs Us. You and Me.

As a UX Researcher, you have solid justification for being frustrated about what’s happening in the field of UX Research.

Frustrated, discouraged, disheartened. Maybe even embittered. In fact, many of us even know some non-Researchers who experience these feelings about the state of UX Research.

And it is important to remember that you are not alone in craving positive change.

But there’s something even more important than that to remember here.

In addition to craving the change, you have the opportunity to also create the change. You can be a positive force for the UX Research field. And in turn for the many human experiences we all influence.

Attending this conference is just one way to create the change. When you do that, you’ll:

  • meet like-minded people who empower you,
  • acquire the valuable strategies, tips and tricks that will be shared,
  • and walk away stronger, more empowered, and more ready.

Additionally, every day, you have the choice to be part of advancing research in your corner of our field. You can:

  • “Make more socially conscious and informed decisions,” as Prayag Naruda and Rida Qadri are calling us to do,
  • “Shift from thinking about creation to creative destruction,” like Mike Oren
  • Get your work “used to the full potential,” using Carl Turner’s guidance
  • “Bridge between various domains within an organization,” as Jennifer Fraser explains
  • “Get more out of our time and labor while also maximizing research influence,” taking the inspiration from Cara Moritz and Rachel Ny
  • “Shift our ways of doing” through “Women-Centric Research, a way to broaden our scope and methods,” per Mansi Gupta, and
  • Further embrace “decentering Anglocentric ways and centering a pluriverse of ways (and reasons) to do research,” as Victor Udoewa calls us to.

And when you advance research, we all advance. The powerful worldwide experiences we influence advance. Our colleagues — in research and cross-functionally — advance.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get to it.

Anne Mamaghani is a User Experience Strategist with decades of UX and leadership experience. She founded Wisdom Driven UX to leverage user experience to drive business results in a variety of industries, on- and off-line.

She’s also a speaker and sought-out mentor on topics of user experience, user experience research, leadership, thriving as a woman in the corporate world, thriving as a parent in the corporate world, mindfulness and personal growth.



Anne Mamaghani
Rosenfeld Media

Deep expertise in User Experience across organizational levels drives my ability to quickly assess needs, design a customized solution and execute efficiently.