Create Something

Tod Hilton
Rough Words
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2015


Three years ago, shortly after my second divorce, I was in a very contemplative spot in my life. The chaos that had enveloped me for the previous four and a half years was no longer present and with that newfound peace I was able to spend time thinking. During that time, I read an article titled “6 Harsh Truths that Will Make You a Better Person” that didn’t really change my perspective, but it expanded and clarified a feeling that had laid dormant for many years.

Having always had a creative side, it was second nature for me to sketch an object on a napkin, release the words from my head in the form of a poem or short story, or spend a weekend building some new thing around my house. I enjoyed getting those creative juices flowing and reveled in the end result. But for several years, that side of my personality was hidden from consciousness, exposed primarily when I needed to get something done, such as a project around the house. Every once in a while it would surface in a photography project or something else, but those conscious times were few and far in between.

After finding some peace in my life and reading the aforementioned article, the need to be creative jumped to the forefront of my mind. Music was embodied by guitar lessons for a little over a year; although I don’t practice much anymore, I can still play a song or two and kick it with a few blues riffs. My emphasis and enjoyment with photography grew by leaps and bounds. I found myself spending hours enjoying others photography, learning from their shots, finding things I wanted to try like various perspectives, different subjects, modes of lighting and so much more. Once again, writing became a passion as I let the images in my mind flow into words. Poetry inspired by my emotions, feelings and observations of the world and it’s people around me.

It was euphoric to be creating things I loved and enjoyed so much, often pulling my spirit higher than before with that sense of completion and fulfillment. It didn’t matter to me if it was of the highest quality or not. What mattered most was the simple fact that I was creating something of my own, be it words, pictures or something else entirely.


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