Preparing for Launch Day
Rocketswap 🚀
3 min readMar 2, 2021


Greetings fellow Rocketeers !

Our March 15th fair launch date is fast approaching. We’re getting the rocket ready on the launch pad and we’re absolutely pumped to prepare you for launch day!

In this article we cover :

  • Rocketswap’s official Launch Time
  • When Staking starts and what to expect
  • How to Obtain TAU (if you haven’t already)
  • Further distribution plans for RSWP
  • How to take part in the TAU Giveaway promotion

Start your engines

The exact time of the Rocketswap Launch will be 18:00 UTC.

This means from 18:00 UTC onwards, it will be possible to deposit TAU in the TAU staking pool to accrue RSWP. The staking contract will be accessible through the Rocketswap app. At that time will be updated to reflect mainnet (currently testnet).

In the spirit of a true fair launch, rewards will not begin to accrue on deposits until 18:00 UTC on March 16th. This will give everyone plenty of time to get their TAU to the staking contract.

After this time, deposits will begin accruing interest in the form of RSWP.


So, “What exactly is in it for me” I hear you murmur — without further delay here are the details of the TAU staking pool:

  • 5% of the RSWP supply will be distributed via the TAU staking pool in the first 365 days of operation, this equals 60,000,000 RSWP in total, or ~6849 per hour.
  • This staking pool will be active for 365 days, after which, a new pool will be created that will distribute a further portion of the RSWP supply.

Further Distribution Plans for RSWP

We outlined above how users can stake TAU to receive RSWP, but that’s only part of the story.

Two weeks after the initial staking begins, we will be opening a TAU/RSWP Yield farming pool, where users who have decided to provide liquidity to the TAU/RSWP pair will be able to stake their Liquidity Points, and receive a larger share of the yield.

We’re forecasting that this pool will release 10% of the total RSWP supply in its first 365 days of activity, but we will be sure to bring you up to speed on this in a future article.

Nurturing the ecosystem

In addition to the above, we have some RSWP reserved for helping bootstrap liquidity on other fledging projects in our ecosystem, if you have a project which has a native token, get in touch with us in the Rocketswap Telegram to chat with us about rewarding your LP’s with some RSWP yield.

How can I get Mainnet TAU ?

In addition to the sources listed in the last article, Luke from the Lamden team (@lukemarketing on Telegram) launched an OTC desk where you can swap ETH for Mainnet TAU with no hassle!

TAU Giveaway !!!

You made it to the bottom of the article — Nice work ! Without further delay, here’s your reward.

Some of the Lamden and Rocketswap community have pooled their funds together and are going to MAKE IT RAIN in the Rocketswap Telegram on Friday 11th of March at 22:00 UTC. At this time, we’re going to use the awesome tip bot made by telegram user @endogen to split the pot (which currently stands at 15,000 TAU (about $750) between everyone who has been active over the course of the prior hour.

Anyone wishing to contribute to the event, talk to us on Telegram and / or send mainnet TAU to this address.

And so concludes this update, we trust after reading the above details you’re as hyped as we are about the upcoming events and more broadly the future of Lamden.

Suffice it to say, this is just the groundwork which will open the door to huge growth and innovation in the Lamden ecosystem.

With ❤ — The Rocketswap Team 🚀🚀

Thanks to @afilahKKhalifa for the awesome illustrations.


Rocketswap 🚀

Rocketswap, a community driven AMM hosted on the Lamden Blockchain