
We are a software company based in the UK.

Having spent 15+ years perfecting our craft, we became involved with the Rails community in 2013. After some time spent developing our stack &
skill-set, we began working on client projects, alongside our own.

By 2017, we had acquired a number of high value domains, which we set about developing into potent functionality & communities. These included the likes of PCFixes.com, RailsHosting.com and VPSDeploy.com.

Please see more information below if you are interested:

💼 Frontline Utilities LTD 💼

We are a UK registered company (2009), originally established to offer Frontline Registry Cleaner 2.0 in retail stores. We are a small team (originally two developers), and are looking to grow very soon ↴

💼 Frontline Utilities LTD 💼 is a UK-based software development & visual design company…

FL was born out a number of successful ‘registry cleaner’ promotions in
late 2010 & early 2011. These lead to the creation of our famed 🔧 Frontline Registry Cleaner 2.0 🔧product, which was purchased 3,000+ times:

We’ve since release 🔧 Frontline Registry Cleaner 2.0 🔧 as open source

The success of this product lead it being stocked in Britain’s largest electronics retailer (Currys) in 2011/2012, with a myriad of magazine & popular website appearances following suit…

It also lead to a number of magazine reviews (where it was positioned as one of the best ‘registry repair’ products of 2011) ↴

🔧 Frontline Registry Cleaner 2.0 🔧was featured in TopTenReviews (we paid $1,500 to get it reviewed)

Whilst a great achievement, it was only a small part of the story, with a large number of other products, promotions & initiatives created prior to its release:

📼 Frontline Registry Cleaner 1.0 📼 → Predecessor to FLCleaner 2.0

The real secret was our promotional prowess (a good lesson actually).

We’ve long been involved with online sales (2007), and the registry stuff came as a result of a number of “PC repair” websites we built in late 2010:

💾FastRegistryFixes💾 & 💻PersonalComputerFixes.com💻 → cornerstones of our registry cleaner promotions…

These websites became extremely popular, and as a consequence we gained a valuable audience who were receptive to the releases of our various products.

We’ve also been involved with many other projects before operating as FL:

Affilitheme ❕ was a custom coded Wordpress theme…

Obviously, the most important thing to state here is the ALL of the stuff we did was online. Makes sense, considering the low barriers to entry and massive upside… however, there was something more about the Internet.

The Internet isn’t about getting quick money or reaching millions of kids on YouTube. It’s about creating something you are PROUD of.

Our parents’ generation & all generations preceding were limited by the technology of their time. Ours is the first in HISTORY which gave us a veritable platform onto which we’re able to build new IDEAS and have those ideas adopted by the masses. Geography, language and time zones were less of an impediment, if at all.

Here are stats for some of our most successful endeavors:

🔨 FixRedirectVirus.org 🔨 & 💻 PersonalComputerFixes.com 💻 were the mainstay of our “registry cleaner” empire…

Video of Richard (21) promoting 🔨FixRedirectVirus.org🔨 (only watch the first 10 seconds, rest are boring):

💣Growth 💣

Whilst these products were nice, the problem was scope…

We wanted to make a real company (Microsoft etc), so decided to sell our assets and put everything into a CRM system (2011)…

The problem with a real company is it’s NOT about sitting on your own doing random stuff. It’s also NOT about finding some niche product. You need to be building something MUCH bigger than what you see in front of you.

You have to push out of your comfort zone and actually do things that others will deem crazy (running a VLOG for example).

This lead us to Rails

In Ukraine with Anadea’s 💎Rails devs💎

Richard was proficient with PHP and had experience with a WIDE array of other programming platforms. However, Rails was used by all the big guns…

We decided to create 💼 Frontline Fusion 💼, and ended up needing more money. We hired a team of Rails developers in Ukraine, and focused on getting it designed / promoted.

We also took a trip to 🌞Palo Alto🌞 to try and see the LinkedIn founder. This turned out moderately successful (much to our surprise️):

At the Googleplex in ☀️Palo Alto☀️…

Fusion was designed to help turn businesses into brands

Obviously, most companies don’t care about this. We found it very difficult to find an audience. In the end, we determined the best way to create the audience ourselves, and have been working on developing our own brands ever since (starting with FL).

This is how we became directly involved with Rails.

To explain our 💎proficiency with Rails💎& web based application development, we’ll now explain what we’ve done over the past few years…

📦 Projects 📦

As the company has grown, we’ve developed a number of projects both internally and for clients. The key has been getting them SOLD 🤑 ↴

🔧 Frontline Registry Cleaner 2.0 (FLCleaner 2.0) 🔧

Designed to compliment the growing demand for Windows PC repair, this product was the culmination of our efforts in this area…

Released in 2011, the boon for Frontline Registry Cleaner 2.0 was our promotional prowess in the PC repair marketplace…

Our secret weapon with the Windows PC repair world → we were able to attract a large amount of traffic to our “registry cleaner” websites.

We have since open sourced 🔧FLCleaner 2.0🔧, as well as began work on the upgraded 🌌FLCleaner 3.0🌌…

💉 StartGainingMomentum 1.2 (SGM) 💉

After meeting Ludvig Sunström in Stockholm (2014), we started to develop an upgrade to SGM. Unfortunately, not used (yet)…

The most ❕ IMPORTANT ❕ aspect to this was the idea of Master Events
to be held around Europe (Stockholm, London, Zurich, Milan, Paris, etc).

The Master Events would form the cornerstone of a revitalized SGM,
centering the BUSINESS aspect around a ‘millionaire’ networking program…

Like this but with real people (this is a clip from Spectre)…

EVERY delegate to SGM’s events would be networked with others through collaborative projects and joint ventures (need to be invited).

The aim would be to cultivate a group of like-minded and collaborative individuals who could count on SGM as a TEAM for implementing BOLD projects…

[[ image ]]

Obviously, doing that needs cash but, more importantly, an audience. Whilst SGM already has a strong audience, it’s nowhere near “millionaire” level.

👻 Frontline Fusion (Brand Marketing) 👻

Frontline Fusion was meant to be better email marketing. However, we quickly discovered that the world didn’t need another email marketing tool…

Old Fusion designs…

After 6+ months’ intense design/development, we eventually landed on creating a brand marketing system…

The core of brand marketing is to identify the “innovation” your company stands for. This innovation is not technical but lifestyle, and is intrinsically tied to the people within the business (NOT just the founder).

In reality, branding is the CORE of all great companies… and is responsible for the 30% year-on-year growth you often hear from the likes of Microsoft (even though many of their respective markets are ‘saturated’). HINT — great companies CREATE markets (demand).

We went deep with Fusion’s ethos & ideals, eventually coming to a very simple set of principles. The absolute BOTTOM LINE is CONTENT… what you have done. Most people get caught up with the frame (“social”, “SEO”) & forget the picture. The reality is that it ALL depends on what YOU bring to the various outlets.

Instead of trying to conform, great brands purposely go against everything & stand alone. This — ironically — makes them attractive to the people who also share your ideals, attracting an audience…

Some ideas for the new Fusion Palantir’s data analytics would be perfect to measure engagement etc…

As you can tell, most of what Fusion represents is not what most companies care about. If interested, here are some examples of how branding works:

Good examples of branding. None of them actually tell you what it’s about — they focus on lifestyle…

After running out of capital (developers are expensive) in 2013, Richard took over dev, hence why we’ve been able to put forth Rails info…

🔥 The Ultimate Commonplace System 1.0 (TUCS) 🔥

Designed to help our friend Ludvig Sunström, this was moderately successful due to the exposure achieved through Ludvig’s podcast (25Minuter)…

🔥 The Ultimate Commonplace System 1.0 (TUCS) 🔥 was a huge success…

TUCS 1.0 was designed to showcase the ‘commonplace mindset’, a
tried-and-tested system employed by Ludvig to get his commonplace working effectively ↴

Some of the artwork done for 🔥 TUCS 1.0 🔥…

The product sold out in 72 hours, but we felt it didn’t live up to expectations.

It was also beset with technical problems (mainly due to our meddling with the Rails back-end). It was removed from sale early in 2017 pending an upgrade (late 2017)…

We also gave Ludvig a number of ideas for TUCS 2.0 (coming late 2017)…

👾 PCFixes.com (24/7 Live Tech Support)👾

Building on previous experience with PersonalComputerFixes.com, we started working on a 24/7 live support service for technical problems…

This was by far one of the LARGEST risks we had ever taken.

The need for PCFixes.com is clear → people need a reliable & trustworthy source of support for INSTANT technical solutions, especially for business…

The problem today is that we’re swamped with low-grade information which is not specific and is generally VERY unhelpful.

🌌 FLCleaner 3.0 (Stack Manager) 🌌

We began focusing on a follow-up to the HUGELY popular
Frontline Registry Cleaner 2.0 in 2016. This tool is so much MORE than a “registry cleaner” → needed to embody the scope of modern digital devices…

We called FLCleaner 3.0 a stack manager.

We made this up, but whatever. That’s what it is and how it works…

A stack manager is PC Optimization For The 21st Century tracking all of your applications, it builds a “stack” around them. This “stack” can then be optimized, updated and managed across each platform.

The whole point of a “stack manager” lies in where we feel the next wave of computing is headed — application-centric experiences. With the wealth of data being collected & stored online, it’s our opinion that cross-platform applications are coming and in order to ensure

🏆 RailsHosting.com (Rails VPS Deployment) 🏆

We developed this service to give users the ability to deploy Rails applications to private VPS instances

🏆 RailsHosting.com 🏆 → Cross Between Nanobox & Heroku

This not only gave them a more robust & effective way to get apps deployed, but was also CHEAPER than the majority of Rails hosting services offered…

💥 SGM’s Digital Commonplace (Track **EVERYTHING**) 💥

After TUCS 1.0, we broached Ludvig on the idea of a digital commonplace a software implementation to give users the opportunity to build & manage a ‘commonplace’ through the power of digital infrastructure…

The idea of a digital commonplace has been considered for some time, but
NO ONE had contributed a clear concept of HOW it should work…

Concepts for 💥SGM’s Digital Commonplace💥…

We designed a series of underlying reasons why someone should look at this type of software, and also the underlying platform for how they’re able to utilize it effectively. We’ll talk about this sooner to when it’s released.

Important thing to note is how you get it distributed. All well and good making snazzy products → without buyers… they’ll go NOWHERE

📯 Contributors 📯

We have kept the team light and focused on implementing PROJECTS. This is where our focus on Rails came from, and continues to this day…

👽 Richard Peck (Product) 👽

Left school at 17 to focus on marketing. Coding since 13/14. Quickly discovered a propensity towards web application development & artistry…

  • ➡️ Started ‘coding’ at 13/14 (PHP/VB6)…
  • ✅ Wrote ‘Web 2.0 Effect’ at 16…
  • 💥 Left school at 17 to perform marketing for UK’s largest independent stationery company UK (Penkeths LTD)…
  • ☎️ Worked full time on affiliate marketing at 18…
  • 👤 Started selling ‘registry cleaner’ tools at 19…
  • 🔧Frontline Registry Cleaner 2.0 released at 21 (stocked by retailers)…
  • 💼 Began work on Frontline Fusion at 21 (2011)…
  • 💰 Ran out of capital at 23 (took over dev role)…
  • 🎓 3+ years developing Rails acumen (StackOverflow, projects, etc)…
  • 🔋 ExceptionHandler gem released at 24…
  • 🔥 TUCS 1.0 released at 26…
  • 👾PCFixes.com bought & developed at 27 ($5k investment)…
  • 🌌FLCleaner 3.0 developed & released at 27…
  • 🏆RailsHosting.com developed & released at 27 ($1k investment)…

💀 Joe Hilton (Operations) 💀

☎️ Further Support ☎️

If you need further support, please feel free to contact us → we’re in the UK so please consider the ⌚difference!

We also have a 👾PCFixes.com👾 live chat support channel at https://pcfixes.com/flutils this is available 24/7

Deeper technical problems will need to be referred to our development team, which obviously means they’ll take longer to reply (✉️).

In all, we can only recommend you consider 🏆RailsHosting.com🏆as a potential production environment for Rails applications.

📥 Thanks For Reading! 📥

If you need further help, you’re welcome to ask below

