Bullied By My Apple Watch

Interfering with my creaky, cranky running

David Asch
Runner's Life


Apple Watch images by the author

Barely four months ago, I wrote an article with my Creaky, Cranky Tips for Running In Later Life, in which I eschewed improvement and reveled in my mediocrity. Then my wife gifted me an Apple Watch for my 60th birthday.

My Creaky, Cranky claptrap is now in jeopardy. With its fancy metrics and colorful, motivational exercise rings, this watch is begging me to improve. I should have seen this coming because it’s not the first time I’ve succumbed to glitzy performance statistics.

Ostensibly, I wanted an Apple Watch to listen to my Spotify playlists without lugging along my phone. And, man, does it deliver.

Spotify app on the Apple Watch — Images by the author

With the Apple Watch, it’s magical to listen to music wirelessly without a bulky phone jangling in my pocket. The thrill of phone-lessness isn’t quite worth the $329 (Apple Watch) and $179 (AirPods), but it’s close.

iPod Nano, 6th Generation — Photo from eBay.com

I conveniently forget that in the not-too-distant past, I clipped a minuscule…



David Asch
Runner's Life

Founder of the Management Consulting Company https://10xPrinciples.com. Available for consulting, podcasts, and speaking engagements.