I’m Treating Running Like Nutrition

And here’s how I do that

Runner's Life


Photo by Josh Gordon on Unsplash

I’ve got a trekking trip coming up.

It's been years since I’ve gone for one, the last being almost two years ago with a trip to Nepal. And so, I plan to shift gears in the running direction to up my cardiovascular system again.

I’ve been training as a hybrid athlete for quite some time, and it was time to shift the focus more toward running.

Having learned about various running techniques, I’m finally armed with more knowledge to be a better runner and intend to incorporate them into my training. Maybe there will be a spillover effect into high-altitude trekking; at least, that’s what I hope for.

So here’s my new approach to treating running like nutrition, and why you should do it too, to be faster, run longer, and be more efficient.

The nutrition angle

I’ve dabbled a lot with sports and nutrition in my free time and it's one of the main pillars I talk about here on Medium.

That being said, if you are anything like me, you’d know that the base idea of nutrition is variety.

It's the cornerstone of ensuring you get the necessary vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients for your body to function. And the more I thought about it…



Runner's Life

Physical and Mental Health | Data Analyst | Incoming World Traveller I sell stuff on etsy too. https://www.etsy.com/sg-en/shop/HomeLivingArtbyDev