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Rwanda Action Network
Eradicating Genocide Denial.
Note from the editor

Purpose of Rwanda Action Network: To offer the global audience a more balanced and accurate understanding of both historical and current events relevant to Rwanda. While Rwanda’s resurgence from the horrors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi that claimed the lives of over one million people is increasingly well known and rightly acknowledged worldwide by various key actors particularly in the areas of: Unity and Reconciliation, Post Conflict Reconstruction, Peace Building, Diplomacy, Entrepreneurship, Women and Youth Empowerment, Information Communication Technology, Investment, Tourism, Healthcare, Education, to name but a few, unfortunately, there are those motivated by egotistical reasons and /or the need to mislead the public by undermining this miraculous turnaround in all its form, particularly by seeking to negate the overwhelming historical facts of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, and thereby plant seeds of doubt about how Rwanda is perceived. At Rwanda Action Network (RAN), our objective is to use this digital platform to offer the global audience a more balanced and accurate understanding of both current and historical events.

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