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Tourism and Terror
What is the modern traveller to do in a world where terrorist attacks seem to happen everywhere, all the time? Is tourism really more dangerous than ever?
How does Terrorism affect the Travel Industry?
How does Terrorism affect the Travel Industry?
With the recent terror attacs in Nice the topic of terrorism is more present than ever. Once again, a popular tourist destination was the…
Tina Walter
Sep 4, 2016
Media Coverage Impact
Media Coverage Impact
The concept of terrorism itself has an eternal link with media coverage, since the goal of terrorism is to achieve terror and this requires…
Thomas Mazimann
Sep 4, 2016
What makes tourism a target for terrorists?
What makes tourism a target for terrorists?
Of all possible landmarks in a country, tourist areas and resorts seem to be targeted a lot by terrorists. For which reasons?
Jonathan Reiss
Sep 4, 2016
Two terrible nights in November
Two terrible nights in November
It was late on a Wednesday night in 2008 in Mumbai, and I was just about to step out of the house when my mobile phone erupted with…
Sep 4, 2016
How do tourists actually die?
How do tourists actually die?
Some of the countries that were home to the Arab Spring in 2011 used to rely heavily on tourism: Egypt and Tunisia are striking examples…
Jonathan Reiss
Sep 4, 2016
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