All You Need Is Little Contrast

Jim Edwards
Jim Edwards
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2020

Think about this for a second…

What is easier to do?

Sit quietly for 5 minutes OR Run as fast as you can around
the block?

> Sit quietly for 5 minutes is the obvious winner.

How about sit quietly for 5 minutes in a tub of ice water
OR Run as fast as you can around the block?

> Run as fast as you can is probably easier.

What if the choice was to sit quietly for 5 minutes in a
tub of ice water OR run as fast as you can around the block
while being chased by 5 rabid pit bulls out for blood?

> That water doesn’t sound so bad now, does it?

See, in life and business all you really need is a little
contrast to put things in perspective. Things you see as
a pain in the butt and which cause you to procrastinate
because they are “too hard” can gain instant perspective
with a little contrast.

Don’t feel like writing that book today? Don’t want to run
that ad? Dragging your feet with that sales copy? Don’t
want to make that video? Don’t want to write that email?


Go dig ditches for a living 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.

Do that for a month and then come back and let us know how
hard writing an email or an ebook really is when you
CONTRAST it to what you could be doing instead.


It’s like magic for putting things into real perspective.

Is your kid a pain in the ass? He or she isn’t perfect?
Doesn’t get straight A’s? Doesn’t listen perfectly 100%
of the time?

Think about the moms and dads who’ve lost their kids to
cancer… or car accidents… or crime.

Makes the little guys (or teenagers) a little more valuable.

My point here is that if you’re not happy… if you’re
procrastinating… if you’re STUCK… if you’re not feeling
good in a situation at work or home — try a little contrast.

When you see the big picture and the alternatives, it’s a
lot easier to shake yourself out of a funk and get moving
again. It’s also a great way to feel grateful for what you
DO have, which is the first step in getting more of what
you DO actually want.

A little contrast can work wonders!



Jim Edwards
Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards helps entrepreneurs create MORE Leads — MORE Sales — And Stronger, More Profitable Relationships =>