What’s Your Problem?

Jim Edwards
Jim Edwards
Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2020

A little while ago, we had a rather sticky business problem to work on, which made me realize I subconsciously developed a process I consistently use for solving issues. If you’ve been looking for a framework to follow to fix problems in your business or figure something out, this is what I do.

Step 1: Define

The very first step is to clearly define the problem in super simple terms.

So the issue we were having a while ago was

“When some people buy, they aren’t getting the email welcome message.”

That was a problem because they should get the email.

Just clearly defining it that way:

“These people who buy under this circumstance are not getting email.”

Tells you what’s going on and gives you direction on how to solve it.

It also takes most of the emotion out of the problem too, because if you’re sitting there freaking out…

(Like most people do, including myself. I know it’s hard to believe, but I’ve actually freaked out about a few things in my life.)

But if you clearly define the problem in simple terms…

Sometimes even putting it down on paper…

That removes the emotion and takes away the “OMG!” factor.

Step 2: Do

Once you’ve clearly defined the problem, then I ask a question:

“What actions can I take to solve this?”

Then I take those actions and resolve the problem.

Step 3: Delegate

If I can’t do the action, then I ask the next question:

“Who can take the actions?”

Is that a team member?

Is it somebody I’m going to have to outsource to?

Is it a contractor?


Then I delegate that action to the right person.

Step 4: Discover

If the answer to that question is:

“I don’t know who can take that action.”

I can’t take it. Nobody on my team can.

Then the next question is:

“Who might know what actions to take?”

Then my next action is to find whoever does know the answer.

This then turns into a research action that either I, or someone on my team, fulfills.

Crucial Concept

All of those parts of the solution are wrapped around figuring out action.

One of the things I’ve noticed in my 50+ years on this planet is that most problems don’t fix themselves.

You have to take action or set some sort of action in motion to solve any problem.

So either you’re going to fix it, a team member’s going to fix it, or you must find somebody to fix it. And if you don’t know what it takes to fix it, then go find someone who does know what it takes to fix it.

That’s it.

For example, the big thing for me has always been technical problems. Tech issues tend to throw me into vapor lock.

It’s like they happen inside these evil boxes known as servers and computers, but you don’t know what’s really in there causing the issue (other than the Devil himself).

That throws me off like crazy.

But I get around it by keeping it simple.

  • Defining the problem.
  • Defining what the solution looks like.
  • Defining the actions that need to get taken for resolution.

Doing it that way lowers my stress level and helps me not feel as stressed.


Often it seems like we get paid for solving problems in our businesses. So having a framework for solving a problem sure comes in handy when you want to do business. My framework is:

  1. Define the problem clearly and simply:
  2. What action can I take to solve it?
  3. If I can’t take action, who on my team can?
  4. If no one on my team can figure it out, then who can I find who does know the answer?

By the way, if you like my framework for solving problems, you’ll probably like my framework for writing pro-level copy in 10 minutes or less. Check it out at FunnelScripts.com.



Jim Edwards
Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards helps entrepreneurs create MORE Leads — MORE Sales — And Stronger, More Profitable Relationships => https://linktr.ee/thejimedwards