Frequently Asked Questions about SALPay Tokens

Eduardo Gutierrez
Published in
5 min readDec 1, 2017

Our ICO is taking off, and many people are reaching out to us through our ICO site and our Telegram with questions. This post will address some of the most recurring ones.

How do I contribute?

It’s very simple! Click on the button that says “Join Sale”, and follow the instructions of this guide.

That button right there

What’s the minimum ICO contribution?

The minimum depends on the kind of currency you use:
If you’re using ETH, the minimum for the ICO is 0.1ETH.
If you’re using BTC, the minimum is the equivalent to 0.1BTC.
If you’re using USD, the minimum is $350.

Why is it more expensive to contribute in USD? Because there are fees that make receiving and sending the money more expensive.

When will I get my SALPay Tokens?

The drop is planned to happen during the first quarter or 2018. We’re aiming sometime in January.

What happens to the unsold SALPay Tokens?

After the ICO, any SALPay Tokens that aren’t in use will be burnt. That means that they will be sent to a wallet that will make them disappear forever.

Will you create more SALPay Tokens in the future?

No. All the tokens distributed during the ICO will be the only ones that will ever exist.

I don’t have any crypto, or US Dollars. How can I join the sale?

If you’d like to join the ICO but don’t have Bitcoin, an ether wallet, or don’t want to spend $350 (plus charges), we recommend our future contributors to use any of the available services that convert fiat (a.k.a. government money) into Ether or Bitcoin. These are some options in the Philippines:

Why is this a better ICO compared to others?

There are many ICOs happening all around the world. It can get a bit overwhelming to research all of them, so here are some reasons why contributing to our ICO makes sense:

  1. We are an existing business. That means we aren’t going anywhere; we provide services to thousands of people, and our staff is growing every month.
  2. We already have customers ready to use our tokens. Many ICOs are dependent on user adoption; that means that they will be successful if enough people use their services. We don’t have that problem; our current clients are already expecting to use our Tokens.
  3. SALPay Tokens are just one piece of the puzzle. Our business has different modules that sustain themselves, and grow at a healthy rate. SALPay Tokens will be a welcome addition to our suite of services, and will benefit from the stability of both Salarium Payroll and SALPay financial services.
  4. We address an actual problem that has current demand and growth potential in the long term. Our main use case, BPO remittances for salaries, is a huge market that is, currently, very inefficient, and will greatly benefit both the businesses, Salarium, and SALPay Tokens contributors.
  5. Our team has a proven track record. Everyone involved in the SALPay Tokens ICO has great experience, and multiple successes under their belts, working together for a company that has grown every month since its inception.
  6. We offer a buyback option. We will purchase any Tokens you’d like to sell after a lockdown period post-ICO.
  7. No bonuses, extra pools, and other nonsense. Many ICOs lure their investors with promises of growing their money at rates that just aren’t possible. In Salarium, we pride ourselves in giving you the facts; be weary of anyone offering crazy returns.
  8. No hype. As one ICO reviewer put it, “SALPay Tokens is the best ICO you’ve never heard of”. We’re not spending money in marketing for the sake of selling; we want you to join us for our ICO because we will all benefit, but we rather spend money where it really counts.

How does your service work?

Using SALPay Tokens will be a major advantage for BPOs and remittances in the Philippines. The concept is built around exchanges. Exchanges are where buyers and sellers turn something into something else; in our case, fiat currency (your usual dollars, pesos, etc) into SALPay Tokens, and vice versa.

We will build exchanges in the countries that want to send money to our customers, and another exchange in the Philippines. People abroad will be able to buy SALPay Tokens in exchange for their fiat currency, and at the same time, we will buy those Tokens in the Philippines’ exchange for Pesos. That way, we will be able to send our clients’ money into the Philippines at the cheapest rate, and fastest speed possible.

Example from the whitepaper

How will my Tokens go up in value?

The whole value in SALPay Tokens is based on the law of Supply and Demand. Since the amount of Tokens will be limited, the supply will never change. But the demand for the service or, in other words, the amount of money that will be sent through our services, will increase. That will mean that the Tokens will have to increase their price in order to take up that demand.

Do you have any other questions?

Feel free to reach out to us on our Telegram channel!
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