Date Night ~ Part One

Mia Stone
Mia Stone
Published in
5 min readJul 19, 2021

I had never been so happy that it was Friday. When I left work at the end of the day, all I could think about was relaxing with a pizza and a glass of wine while we watched The Office.

When I got home, the house was empty. His car wasn’t there and I assumed he was at the gym. I went into the bedroom to change into some leggings and one of his t-shirts when I noticed something on the bed. On my side of the bed was a note along with a black lacy thong and bra. And my favorite butt plug. The note said to wear that along with his favorite black dress. He had dinner reservations for six and an Uber would be there to pick me up at 5: 45.

Apparently he had other ideas for our Friday night.

I glanced at the clock. I didn’t have much time to shower and get ready. I brought the butt plug into the shower with me and slowly inserted it. When it was all the way inside of me, I closed my eyes with a sigh. If he wanted me to wear this to dinner, he had plans for me tonight. I found myself getting wet at the idea, my nipples tight peaks of desire despite the hot shower.

I bit my bottom lip as my hand trailed between my legs. My clit was already so swollen. I began to tease it with my finger and it wasn’t long before I was shuddering with my release. I had needed to take the edge off. If he wanted me to wear this to dinner, there was a chance I was in for a long night of teasing.

When I was done, I threw my hair up in a messy bun and put on minimal makeup. He liked it best when I only wore some mascara and blush with a little bit of lip gloss.

An Uber showed up just like he promised but the driver wouldn’t tell me where we were going per his instructions. It wasn’t long before I could tell we were headed to our favorite restaurant. It was the place where we had dinner together for the first time. It’s become a special place for us for a lot of reasons.

When the driver pulled up, he was standing there waiting for me. He didn’t see us at first, looking down at his phone. I paused before getting out, watching him run his hands through his hair and put a hand in his pocket. He was wearing a button down shirt with a blazer and dress pants. Even after all of this time, seeing him made the butterflies in my stomach go into overdrive.

I shifted in my seat and felt the plug. I was already soaking wet and I prayed dinner wouldn’t take too long tonight because I needed him to do all the things to me. My earlier orgasm did nothing to quench my desire for him.

He finally noticed me and smiled, rushing to the door to let me out. He helped me out of the car and pulled me to him for a long kiss, his arms wrapping around me while his hand moved down to grab my ass.

“Hi there.” I said softly with a smile when our kiss ended.

“Hey,” he replied, still holding me tight. “Are you wearing everything I left for you?”

I nodded and he patted my ass. “Good girl. Now let’s go eat. You’re going to need your strength tonight.” He winked and took my hand, leading me into the restaurant.

We sat in our usual booth in the corner. I was hyper aware of the plug in my ass all dinner, especially every time I moved. I was pretty sure I was going to leave a wet mark on the seat.

Thankfully dinner didn’t last too long and as we were finishing up, the waitress asked if we wanted dessert.

“We have that covered, thanks.” He winked at me and I squeezed my thighs together.

As she walked away, he leaned forward and grabbed my hands. “Did you already cum tonight?”

I blushed and ducked my head. “Yes. You know what it does to me when I put that thing in me. I had a quickie in the shower.”

“Mmmm…Nice.” He ran his thumb over the back of my hand. “We have a room at the hotel next door. I’m going to take care of the bill. You go into the bathroom and remove those panties. Meet me in the lobby and give them to me.”

My breath caught in my throat but I nodded. Before I met him, I was very reserved sexually. I would have been horrified at the idea of giving a man my panties in the middle of a lobby, but he’d changed all of that. Now the idea excited me.

He stood up and gave me his hand, helping me out. He pulled me against him for a kiss and I gasped, feeling his erection against my leg. He leaned into me, his lips on my ear. “I can’t wait to get you back to that room and bury myself balls deep into that dripping wet cunt. I love how tight you feel when you’re w”

Thank god he was holding me up because I swore my knees just buckled. I loved when he talked dirty to me. My favorite was when he made me touch myself and he would say the filthiest things to me. I would cum so hard before he even laid a hand on me.

“Now go.” He patted my ass and I nodded, heading off to the ladies room.

I went into a stall and removed my panties. As I suspected, they were dripping wet. I bunched them up in my hand and went to the lobby. He wasn’t there yet so I waited for him, thinking about the things he was going to do to me tonight.

I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t even see him walk up behind me. He slid his arms around my waist. “What are you thinking about, baby girl?”

I gasped in surprise and pressed back into him. “You. The way you make me feel. What you’re going to do to me.” I turned around in his arms and handed them my panties.

He inspected them right there with a soft moan. He brought them up to his nose and breathed deeply. “They’re soaking wet. I guess I better get you back to the hotel and take care of my girl.” He took my hand and led me out of the lobby without a word, desire thick in the air.

Read part two here:



Mia Stone
Mia Stone

Mia lives in the Midwest with her family — two legged and four legged. When she’s not writing steamy stories, you can usually find her watching The Office.