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We leverage your IoT data. We are digital experts and innovators specializing in creating applications to leverage raw data created with IoT objects.
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Pourquoi développer une application native?

Deux ans après notre premier article de blog sur le sujet, force est de constater que l’univers du développement mobile a bien évolué. Les arguments avancés auparavant ne sont peut-être plus d’actualité. En 2016, pourquoi développer une application…

5 Good Reasons for Switching to Mortar

After working on two projects with Mortar/Flow and later Mortar-Architect and refactoring an old project from traditional Activity/Fragment structure into it, it is time for me to give back to the Android community.

How to change the look of a SearchView

Recently, we had to implement a search interface in an application we are working on, so we used a SearchView. By looking at the documentation, you can see that a SearchView is highly customizable. However, that does not apply to its appearance. The only…