What’s Your Tarot Card for Aries Season?

These tarotscopes capture the energy for the astrological new year

Sanctuary World
7 min readMar 18, 2021


by Kelsey Sunstrum

Aries season, as both the beginning of the astrological wheel of the year and the entry of the first cardinal sign, shifts the collective into an enterprising and visionary place where doors are opened, and paths are forged. In the last tarotscopes, we reflected on a year of COVID life. Nostalgia for the Before Times was palpable and heavy at times. Aries season’s arrival reminds us that possibility exists. It shifts the focus to the After Times. What do they look like? How can we start creating that future today? And how radical can we get with visions for a new world? Check out your sign below for guidance through Aries’ bold and fiery energy.

Aries / Ace of Pentacles 💰

Many good tidings for your solar return with the Ace of Pentacles! Aces are pure potential and, in the suit of Pentacles, it’s in the realms of your home, work, career, money, and soul purpose. Huge strides forward in these areas are afforded to you by this firecracker energy. A crucial aspect of working with the Aces is reaching out to grasp the opportunities presented to you. This is meant to be an active transaction, not a passive one. Reflecting on how you intentionally pursue and grasp blessings is key to taking advantage of your season!

Taurus / Judgement 🕊

Like a phoenix from the ashes, you’re rising, baby! Aries season ignites your fire and gives you the oomph to push out of your cocoon and emerge as the butterfly you are. Waking up to truths, fresh perspectives, and upgraded outlooks happens in Judgement. Don’t be surprised if you approach life from entirely different angles and come into a new daily rhythm. Upgrades and evolutions are expanding your vision so let them. Major shifts are happening for you right now, preparing you for greater heights.

Gemini / The World 🦚

Your power radiates from within this season! Finishing chapters and preparing for new ones goes on in The World, as the last card of the Major Arcana where universal, or BIG, energy is concentrated in the deck. These endings are happy ones though and pave the way for considerable expansion in your life! Spirit sees your growth and evolution in The World and applauds you. Think back to even a year ago. No doubt who you are today has come leaps and bounds from that person. Celebrate that! You’ve come so far and are continuing on that upward trajectory.

Cancer / 3 of Pentacles 🧗

Focus, drive, and moxie are coming in spades for you over the next four weeks! You’re trekking full steam ahead on projects and goals. The atmosphere of Aries, a fellow cardinal sign, emphasizes your already strong initiative and go-getter attitude. The 3 of Pentacles sees you committing to developing your skills and your plans. Time invested in engaging your gifts, manifesting your vision, and seeking the feedback, support, and tutelage of people you respect is very worthwhile in this period and will set the foundation for future success.

Leo / Justice 🧠

Heart-ruled Leo, you’re being asked to come into your head this Aries season. It’s your nature to take an emotions-first-thoughts-second attitude in life. Your signature warmth, compassion, and generosity of spirit make this so. And don’t get it twisted: this is part of what makes you special, not a weakness. That being said, you’re being asked to approach something currently with your intellect, your reason, and your logic. A facts-and-figures rather than a heart-on-your-sleeve mindset is encouraged right now.

Virgo / Ace of Wands

Carpe that diem, Virgo! The thumbs-up of the deck, the Ace of Wands is not only a surefire sign of big things to come in Aries season but a nod of approval and acknowledgement of where you are on your journey. Surges in inspiration, passion, creativity, and sensuality are expected. A valuable lesson of any of the Aces though is that you have to reach out and grab opportunities that come your way. The universe is passing the wand to you so take it! Search for pathways toward your dreams and pursue them when they’re presented. You’re the creator of your future.

Libra / 4 of Swords 🛁

Cultivating a sanctuary space and dedicating mindful time in it is the greatest gift you can give yourself this season. Sanctuary can be a physical area, grounding routine, mindset, or anything that recharges you. Rest, relaxation, and downtime are what the doctor ordered and nothing less over the next four weeks. Of course, daily life and responsibilities usually can’t be paused altogether but intentional self-care, as often as you can fit it in, will refresh and uplift you. Take heed of the guidance to go easy on yourself to avoid greater stress down the line.

Scorpio / Queen of Pentacles 🐇

The Queen of Pentacles is a reminder of your natural gifts of resourcefulness, resilience, and industry. You’re being asked to embody these traits in some way this month. Nurturing your body, your health, and your home is complimented under this down-to-earth Queen’s influence. Cooking and eating nourishing foods, getting outside, and spending time with people who lift you up are suggestions for tuning into this wavelength. Addressing concerns with your health and home and mapping out proactive steps forward are also recommended during Aries season.

Sagittarius / 8 of Swords 🤝

Don’t fret, Sagittarius, if you find yourself caught up in your thoughts this month. This is temporary and release is possible, signified by the character’s unbound feet. Common swords that can surround us include unrealistic expectations, an overly harsh inner critic, or other people’s stuff we’ve taken on. Fortunately, this mental prison can be overcome by gently removing the swords, releasing the psychic burdens that aren’t yours to hold. A fresh set of eyes can help you discern what swords can be extracted and support you in the process. Don’t be afraid to call in your people!

Capricorn / Queen of Cups 🐬

Living life with your heart on your sleeve is on the agenda this Aries season! The Queen of Cups plunges you into the depths of Water energy, in all its dreamy, emotional, and spiritual glory. Looking to develop deeper relational connections? Now is the perfect time to get to know someone and to open yourself up in vulnerability to another person. A connection to divinity, the subconscious, and the otherworldly is facilitated by this water-loving Queen. Your heart, soul, and imagination are expanding. Allow them to guide your movements this month.

Aquarius / 9 of Wands 😰

You’ve come a long way, Aquarius, and, understandably, that progress is more precious to you than the finest diamond. However, the 9 of Wands depicts a weariness after a long day’s work. It’s time to put down the weight of your responsibilities and regain your energy but this release of control is difficult. Maybe a scarcity perspective arises for you, a belief that if you don’t hold on tight to what you have, you’ll lose it. Permission to trust that the work you’ve done and the growth you’ve achieved cannot be taken from you is offered in Aries season.

Pisces / 10 of Wands 🚨

A weight is on your shoulders this month. Overloaded with responsibilities, you’re going through the motions rather than living with intention. While all the wands you’re carrying feel heavy and pertinent, there’s no need to deplete yourself. Nothing is worth as much as your energy and your health. Reflecting on what prevents you from laying your load down is paramount in the 10 of Wands. Could it be driven by an uncertainty in your purpose, insecurity, or a difficulty putting yourself first? Get open and honest with yourself in answering these questions.



Sanctuary World

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