The Sandbox Alpha Season 2 Raffle

Learn how you can turn playing for free into an Alpha Pass!

The Sandbox
The Sandbox
4 min readFeb 25, 2022


The Alpha Season 2 Raffle will give participating players a chance to win a highly coveted Season 2 Alpha Pass. The Alpha Pass empowers you to convert your play-to-earn activity into up to 1,000 SAND. Nice!


  • The Raffle is your chance to get your hands on a Season 2 Alpha Pass
  • You need Raffle Tickets to increase your chances to win
  • You can earn Raffle Tickets by completing quests and other activities
  • Introducing the Community Staking Booster

For The Sandbox Alpha Season 2, the Raffle to win a S2 Alpha Pass will take place at the end of the season, On March 31. Read on for more details!

Earning Raffle Tickets

Everyone with a The Sandbox account has a chance to win a S2 Alpha Pass, by playing the game, doing challenges, and collecting Raffle Tickets.

Note: If you don’t have a The Sandbox account yet, go here to sign up for free today!

You can earn up to 500 Raffle Tickets by completing quests:

  • Complete Quests in Alpha S2 experiences to level up
  • Earn raffle tickets every time you level up
  • More quests completed = more raffle tickets
  • Maximum number of raffle tickets earned through Quests = 500 tickets

How do I know if I won a Season 2 Alpha Pass?

Winners will be contacted by email (using the email you registered with) on March 31 around 7PM UTC. So just keep an eye on your emails at that time.

Token Holders

We’ve told you before, being a holder, always gets you perks in the Metaverse. For the Alpha Season 2. Read how many tickets you can get with the tokens you hold in your wallet.

Community Reward Booster

For Alpha Season 2 we introduce our first community staking goal!

  • The total SAND amount staked by the community during Alpha Season 2 will boost the mSAND rewards of all S2 Alpha Passes.
  • The maximum Community Booster is +100%.

The base $SAND reward available with the S2 Alpha Pass is 500 $SAND.

If the Community Booster reaches +100%, the $SAND rewards will thus be 1,000 SAND for all S2 Alpha Passes. If it doesn’t the $SAND rewards will be 500 SAND for Season 2.

If you already stake mSAND through our website, you don’t have to do anything as it will be taken automatically into account.

Boost Your Alpha Season 2 Rewards with mSAND Staking

Learn how you can earn up to 200 additional raffle tickets by staking SAND, without any gas fees!

With Alpha Season 2 in full swing, we want to remind players that there are lots of individual and community benefits for staking mSAND during the season. The more the community stakes, the higher the Alpha Season reward (details here). And for you personally, the rewards are even better. 1 point equals 1 mSAND staked for the duration of the Alpha Season 2 so 28 days. The maximum amount of raffle tickets you can get through staking is 200. To get the maximum 200 tickets, you will need to collect a total of 400 points.

  • By staking 200 mSAND during the whole Alpha Season 2 (March 3–31), you’ll earn 100 raffle tickets
  • By staking 400 mSAND during the whole Alpha Season 2, you’ll earn 200 raffle tickets
  • By staking 800 mSAND for half the Alpha Season 2 (two weeks; shorter duration but a larger amount) you can also earn 200 raffle tickets

Get ready to rack up bonus raffle tickets with no effort while you have fun playing in The Sandbox!


Here’s how you can get started staking:

Don’t delay, get in on this opportunity now!

Good luck to all players, and see you in the Metaverse soon!

