My personal review of the year 2020

This year has been perfect for recharging one’s batteries and preparing for the future. Although there have been some stressful moments, then the overall outcome is great.


In 2018, I started a new tradition to share my personal review of the year, covering experiences, achievements, learnings and other important parts.
Read the last editions via these links:
2018 & 2019.

In a word, the year 2020 has been calm” — full of personal growth and more family time than I initially expected, while also being quite productive.

Unlike the previous years, I wasn’t able to travel, nor did we experience anything extraordinary on the family front. Regardless, I’ve enjoyed every moment of it — celebrating Scarlett’s (monthly) birthday(s), raising a new round with Speys, running our marketing agency, exploring startup ideas, and spending lots of time at our ranch in Hiiumaa.

Overall, 2020 gave me the chance to keep exploring my options, as well as take it somewhat easier before taking upon the next bigger challenges.

My highlights in 2020

On May 12, we were got to celebrate Scarlett’s 1st birthday. As cliche as it is, becoming a parent is a gift that keeps giving. Ever since her birth, she’s been the one bringing a constant joy to Lele and I.

Step by step, she’s becoming more self-sufficient and a real playmate. Whether at the gym or playgrounds, while drawing or building with LEGOs, or when she decides to climb all over us — I enjoy every such moment.

Other than that, I’m happy about having the chance to spend more time with Lele and the rest of my family than in 2019, as well as having time to take even more care about my physique and eating habits.

Activities 2020 — no travel and more work & fun

Like most of us, I didn’t take any international flights (only two to Hiiumaa) and skipped almost all work-related conferences, except for sTARTUp Day and Latitude59 tech events held locally.

Still, I had 154 work-related face-to-face meetings and 230 video calls, while attending 20 events (mostly online) and took part in a 12-course Draper University’s Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship program.

At the same time, I hosted/attended 34 pre-planned brunches, game nights and dinners + I managed to go to the cinema once (pre-COVID).

And I was able to go to the gym at least 115 times, AKA 2.2x per week.
(April was the only month with 0 gym attendance due to lockdown)

As for my blog, I basically skipped 2020. I did write some things for our clients, but that hardly counts… Still, I got 5728 views, and 2639 reads on it.

Defeats & setbacks

Unlike last years, I actually didn’t face any personal setbacks.

Fortunately, I’ve been able to keep safe from COVID (tested negative twice) while everyone else in the family have also gotten a free pass.

That said, the year has not been easy for most of us. No travel, less fun, concerning economic situation etc… Let’s hope 2021 will bring a turnaround! (Tho, I have a tingling sensation that things will get worse before they get better)

My personal development

As mentioned, I took part in a 12-course Draper University’s Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship program. I enjoyed the experience a lot and realised how much I miss the vivid startup ecosystem of San Francisco.
(even if everyone’s moving out now)

At the same time, I got to spend more time reading and going to the gym, which is super!

Books to read for 2021

In 2020, I went through a lot of awesome books. But there are 50+ more that I would need to go through, next year. Plus, 73 in my Amazon’s wish list.

Based on those I read in 2020, I would recommend you to read:

1–2–3 Magic” by Thomas Phelan (Parenting — must-read for new parents)

Cribsheet” by Emily Oster (More parenting — very insightful)

High Output Management” by Andrew Grove (Business — how to do it well)

Ogilvy on Advertising” & “The Confessions of an Advertising Man” by David Ogilvy (Marketing — so on point)

Scientist in the Crib” by Alison Gopnik, Andrew N. Meltzoff and Patricia K. Khul (More parenting — a lot of additional great ideas)

The Ride of a Lifetime” by Rober Iger (Biography — everything about Disney)

The Innovators” by Walter Isaacson (History — everything about computers)

The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham (Investing — classic!)

Plans for 2021

Our hope for next year is to buy our first real home — I need my home office. Meanwhile, we’ll surely keep spending more time in Hiiumaa. #NewSauna2021

Of course, I’ll also keep spending a lot of time with Scarlett — she is finally getting interested in stuff I also like — and Lele. And I hope we can finally start travelling together (Super Mario World Japan awaits)

As for the professional plan, I hope to see more growth on various sides. Or at least continue going on the same trajectory as so far.

That said, let’s get ready for 2021!



Sander Gansen
Millennial thoughts on business & technology

Here to play the Game | Building @WorldofFreight to run a collaborative protocol building experiment.