How NOT to brand your “methodology that’s not a methodology but a design framework that’s the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything”

Santiago Bustelo
Santiago Bustelo, in english
3 min readFeb 5, 2024

After the “Design Thinking” bullshit factory ran out of steam, I predicted the rise of new “frameworks” like this one:

In his pay-per view article, author Max Stepanov exhausts the ∼250 words that Medium shows for free, to promise that the “Design Thinking 3.0” he sells, is “beyond Design Thinking and User-Centered Design”.

You may suspect something fishy, if you recall my words:

Every methodology promises us the success that eludes all others. And when they fail us, they tell us that the problem is… that we need more methodology. There is another category that works the same way: that of astrologers and charlatans.

“But Santiago, how could you be sure? Perhaps you’re just prejudiced, and this time, this is actually it! Look, it’s behind a paywall! Further proof that this is something really valuable! Just let me grab my wallet and…”

Easy. Shh.

You don’t have to pay a dime to confirm that it’s bullshit.
Comments are free to read:

However, some users are focusing in the branding blunder, rather than in the unmet promises:

Notably, at the time I’m writing this, their comments are more popular than the ones calling bullshit*.

This may suggest that people are more sensitive to brand theft/misappropriation than to nonsense, so there’s hope! The author may have a thriving business in his hands. He only needs to christen it in a way that receives the gullible designer market’s gods blessings.

So Max, let me help:

Do NOT brand your bullshit framework over a dead horse.

Especially if it’s a horse you don’t own, but IDEO does, all while cutting a third of its staff and hoping it can come up with a new horse to bet on.

If you want to bullshit people, you need to learn from the best: astrologists and the like. I found out that secret when realizing that Design Thinking is as useful as astrology, but gets better press.

So, next time just ask ChatGPT: come up with some names for a bullshit framework for gullible designers, product managers and business people, integrating things like Design Thinking and Double Diamond with Astrology, Alchemy and Spiritualism.

For instance, these are some it crafted for me:

  • DesignAlchemy Dynamo
  • TranscendentalThinking Tactic
  • CosmicCatalyst Concept
  • EnchantEDX Experience
  • Alchemystical Design Doctrine
  • StarSprint Strategy
  • AuraAgile Approach
  • AstroUX Alchemy
  • QuantumQuartz Quadrant
  • EtherealEmpathy Engine

Feel free to reuse the prompt. I am realeasing it under the WTFPL license.

But stay away from “Astral Thinking Masterplan Spark”.

That’s MY design scam, er, framework. I guarantee you that after becoming an Omega priest, you will be able to summon Steve Jobs to guide you.

Oh look! The AI even imagined an icosahedron -like yours- resting on the workshop’s Ouija Board! That should mean something!

Want to know how? Well, this free preview is over. Time to grab your wallet.

(*) After publishing this article, I gave the bullshit callers all my 50 applauses they deserve.

