Here’s What October’s Most Active ERC-20 Dapps Have Been Working On

Published in
10 min readNov 4, 2019

Each month, we shine a spotlight on the 10 ERC-20 projects with the highest-recorded developer activity for the past 30 days, as calculated by Santiment.

Development Activity is an oft-underrated indicator of project success, as it demonstrates the month-to-month commitment to creating a working product, continuously polishing and upgrading its features, and staying true to the long-term roadmap.

In this report, we are focusing only on ‘pure ERC-20’, i.e. those projects that are (currently) committed to developing on Ethereum, and have as of yet no working mainnet or an imminent token swap.

You can check out the latest dev activity ‘power rankings’ for all ERC-20 assets on SANbase, by filtering the ERC-20 projects by Dev Activity (30d).

Top 10 ERC-20 projects by dev activity in October (Source: SANbase)

As always, we asked all of this month’s top 10 most active ERC-20 dapps what they’ve been working on for the past month. Here’s what they told us:

1. Storj

Storj provides private and secure decentralized cloud object storage
Storj’s development activity for the month of October (Source: SANbase)

“During October, the team at Storj Labs has been focused on making performance improvements within its decentralized cloud storage platform (Tardigrade), gearing up for production launch a few months away.

The team also released a Windows installer and auto-updater for its Storage Node Operators who provide storage capacity on the network, so becoming a Host is now easier than ever.

They also enhanced the Storage Node dashboard to provide more statistics. Storj Labs engineers removed Kademlia from its platform, which simplified the codebase and communication between Nodes, Uplinks, and Satellites. They improved the Satellite GUI to make it easier to manage your projects, invoices, and API keys. The team finalized its dRPC implementation, which delivers enhanced performance for uploads and downloads.

Engineering also worked on an array of other features and functionality, including its Java library, Storage Node Operator graceful exit functionality, garbage collection (which ensures Storage Nodes aren’t unnecessarily storing data that has been deleted), and payment integration. A large portion of the team’s efforts focused on making the network “chaos monkey” proof to ensure the network can withstand unexpected services going down and continue running without any issues.

The team also announced an IPFS integration so people can now use the Tardigrade Decentralized Cloud Storage Service when pinning their IPFS data. You can try it out through this community-created app at

Outside of engineering updates, the team has been working hard on new business development and attended and presented at Korea Blockchain Week, DevconV, All Things Open, Open core Summit, San Francisco Blockchain Week, and Las Vegas Blockchain Week.

At DevconV, Storj Cofounder Shawn Wilkinson demoed which is backing up all the public repos on GitHub to demonstrate the network’s capabilities. It has backed up 100TB of data so far and 1.3 million repos.”

2. Augur

Augur is a decentralized oracle and peer-to-peer protocol for prediction markets
Augur’s development activity for the month of October (Source: SANbase)

“Over the last few weeks the Augur development team has been cranking hard working on getting the UI into a feature complete state for the V2 Launch, and prioritizing working out third party integrations that are still in flux.

  • New onboarding flows have been put in place, making it easy for non-crypto users to start on Augur
  • Implementation is in progress on end-to-end support for Gnosis Safe for Eth-less transactions
  • Wonderful new Market Creation Templates are in progrss so it’s easy to create valid markets and for traders / reporters to validate that the markets are good to go.
  • Cleaning up charts and making them pretty and speedy for when there’s lots of trades.

We’re looking forward to starting our first QA cycles next week!”

3. Status

Status is an open source mobile Dapp browser and messenger built for Ethereum
Status’ development activity for the month of October (Source: SANbase)

“The team had a blast giving talks and catching up with the community at DevCon! On the dev side, October was all about:

  • Status V1 — Big progress against v1 release backlog. Mostly bug fixing and responding to reports surfaced in security audit by Trail of Bits. Also built biometric login and support for ENS username migration from beta. Finished the removal of Realm.js by moving our database to status-go, and dropped many other dependencies. Upgraded React Native to 0.60, leading to much faster performance on Android devices.
  • Keycard — Released swift SDK for iOS and Keycard 3.0 with dedicated payment javacard applet. Working on a request screen to turn Status into a point of sales.
  • Embark — Released Subspace 1.0 and 1.1; released embark 5.0.alpha.0.
  • Nimbus — Launched a new public Eth2 testnet using a validator deposit contract running on the Görli Eth1 testnet. Continued progress on Nim’s native LibP2P implementation. Created an ewasm contract for a ERC20-like token in Nim (Nimplay).
    - Vac — Continued work on header spec as well as implementation of it within
    MVDS. Researched spam resistance for Whisper. Proposal to address scalability issues with Whisper short term. Continued research into requirements for adaptive nodes.”


Fetch.Ai is developing an a AI-powered blockchain for complex problem solving
Fetch’s development activity for the month of October (Source: SANbase)

“The team at has been hard at work over the past few months as we approach our mainnet release in December.

In the last few weeks we have released our beta mainnet. This included updates to our AI-powered smart contracts and our fully enabled decentralized random beacon advances the project’s unique consensus protocol.

Next week we will be unveiling our next technical release. This is set to include the introduction of payable contract addresses capable of sending and receiving funds.”

5. Loom Network

Loom is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) network targeting decentralized social app and game development
Loom Network’s development activity for the month of October (Source: SANbase)

Kicked off Bitcoin integration on Basechain, giving developers a simple interface to send and receive BTC for zero fees and with instant confirmation times

6. Aragon

Aragon lets people create and manage a decentralized organization on Ethereum, and create global, bureaucracy-free companies and communities
Aragon’s development activity for the month of October (Source: SANbase)

“Aragon contributors have been working on updates to several projects including:

  • Aragon 0.8.2, which was released in early October and features a testnet version of the Aragon Fundraising app.
  • Aragon Court v1.0.0 contract codebase freeze.
  • Open Enterprise Rinkeby testnet release, with support for Address Book, Allocations, Dot Voting, Projects, and Rewards apps (with bounties for contributors!).
  • Aragon templates-shared v1.0.1 release with a new ENS utility.
    aragonCLI 6.3.3, which adds a new feature to link deployed libraries with contracts.
  • My First Aragon App: Voting supercharged with DAOstack’s Holographic Consensus Part 4.

Anyone interested in working on these projects with us is invited to join Aragon’s vibrant open source community, apply for a job in the Aragon ecosystem, or simply stop by the Aragon Chat to introduce yourself and what you’d like to help with!”

7. 0x

0x is creating an open protocol for decentralized exchange of assets on the Ethereum blockchain
0x’s development activity for the month of October (Source: SANbase)

Here’s an excerpt from 0x’s latest community update:

“Key Takeaways:

  • ZRX holders may vote on implementing v3 from November 4th through November 11, 2019. Once voting has commenced, cast your vote here. If approved, v3 will be implemented on Ethereum mainnet on November 25th after a two week grace period.
  • Version 3 of 0x is a major protocol upgrade that will deepen liquidity for the DeFi ecosystem and improve the developer experience of building on 0x. Introducing 0x v3 is an exciting new chapter for our protocol, as this upgrade will establish 0x as the liquidity API and DEX aggregator for the greater DeFi ecosystem.
  • The robust v3 feature set includes a new ZRX staking mechanism, DEX liquidity aggregation, the ability for relayers to support flexible fees, and various technical improvements for ecosystem devs. Check out the comprehensive changelog on Github.
  • To transition protocol ownership to 0x market makers and encourage participation in governance, a ZRX staking mechanism gives market makers monetary rewards (in ether) and additional ZRX voting power for providing liquidity. Every ZRX holder may earn staking rewards as well by delegating tokens to market maker pools.
  • We developed a powerful set of bridge contracts that aggregate DEX liquidity from 0x and other networks like Kyber, Uniswap, and Oasis. With Liquidity Bridges, 0x becomes a one-stop shop to source the best prices for both popular and long-tail trading pairs across DEXs.”

8. OmiseGO

OmiseGo strives to decentralize payment networks and create an open, public financial system
OmiseGO’s development activity for the month of October (Source: SANbase)

“Blockchain Team Update: Kicking Off Contract Audits and on the Brink of a New Public Testnet!

October was an extremely productive month for OmiseGO. It started with an intense two week period at Devcon 5, which segued to a company-wide hack week, and ended with a company summit.

During this time, it was all hands on deck to kick off our contract audits! This included documentation, integration work, and cleaning up known issues with the contracts. We’re also working closely with our auditors over the next few weeks to address any snags they find.

On the child chain and watcher side, the team bolstered test suites, refactored some code, and continued to improve integration work to the contracts. We even moved from a development environment to a production environment to ensure improved security and better key management for the authority.

And with all that said, we spiked the integration so that it’s now feature complete! As of today, teams will focus on improving the stability and resilience of the integration. Oh, and stay tuned for a new public testnet announcement!”

9. Gnosis

Gnosis is a decentralized prediction market platform
Gnosis’ development activity for the month of October (Source: SANbase)

“We’re happy to share that the prediction market platform went live in October.

While it’s in private beta, new prediction markets on blockchain ecosystem development will be opened every two to four weeks.

Apply to join the line of Sight today:"

10. Santiment

Santiment is a platform for advanced crypto analytics, low-latency signals and curated market insights
Santiment’s development activity for the month of October (Source: SANbase)

The Santiment team had a great time at this year’s Devcon in Osaka! We held a sponsor booth for the first 2 days of the event, showcasing our metrics and tools, signing people up to the platform, and giving away lots of Santiment swag.

Networking and sushi aside, there was plenty of work done around the platform in October:

  • We have completed the integration of the Binance Chain in our database! You can now access a number of on-chain metrics and indicators about the recently migrated Binance Coin on both Sanbase and Sangraphs.
  • We have released an open source pipeline for building blockchain analytics, which can be found here. If you’d like a demo, our CTO Valentin Mihov gave a great lightning talk about the Santiment ETH exporter at this year’s Devcon
  • We’re also making strides in developing and streamlining a new uniform API for fetching metrics and metrics metadata from Santiment. Simultaneously, we’re currently extending both Sanpy, our Python wrapper, as well as Sansheets, our Google Spreadsheet plugin with more data. More on this coming soon from our dev team!
  • Our fan-favorite MakerDAO dashboards got a big facelift this month.You can now access the most pertinent charts and information from our MakerDAO dataset on a single landing page, which will act as a bridge to our full, comprehensive MakerDAO analytics platform.
  • There’s plenty of updates to Sanbase to report, including a new billing UI, upgraded search filter, integration of on-chain data for XRP, EOS and Binance Chain, integration of Gas Spent for ETH, a shortcut flow for pricing signals directly on asset charts and much more.
  • Finally, ahead of this year’s Devcon, we published a comprehensive ‘Behavioral State of Ethereum’ report, analyzing what on-chain, social and development data can tell us about the status quo of the Ethereum network, its long-term evolution as an ongoing transition of its prospective use cases.

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This post was originally published at

