Turning the Tables on Notation Capital

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Nicholas Chirls and Alex Lines of Notation Capital on their Origins podcast about raising their new $27m fund, Notation II. Notation is a“first check” venture firm which focuses on partnering with technical teams in underestimated markets like NYC at the earliest stages of company creation.

As an LP in Notation, this was a great opportunity for me to turn the tables on them and hear all about the great things they’re doing as “conviction-based investors” to help entrepreneurs succeed beyond “day zero.” I’ve known Nick and Alex for quite some time and always enjoy talking to them about how their experience at betaworks gave them the idea to start Notation based on their belief that they could be the “first-check” for technical founding teams.

I encourage you to check out this episode to hear more about them, how they have evolved their perspective from ‘pre-seed’ to being ‘first check investors’ and what more investors, beyond providing capital, can do to be in service to their entrepreneurs — which is something that we, as LPs, strive to do for our GPs as well. And as always, please share and join the conversation on Twitter using #openlp.



Sapphire Ventures Perspectives

Looking to change the world through technology, investing and partnerships. investor@SapphireVC