Go to Scalawag Magazine
Scalawag Magazine
Scalawag sparks critical conversations about the many Souths where we live, love, and struggle. We amplify voices of activists, artists, and writers to reckon with Southern realities as they are, rather than as they seem to be. The stories we tell matter. In print, online, and i
Note from the editor

Scalawag sparks critical conversations about the many Souths where we live, love, and struggle. We amplify voices of activists, artists, and writers to reckon with Southern realities as they are, rather than as they seem to be. The stories we tell matter. In print, online, and i

Go to the profile of Evan Walker-Wells
Go to the profile of Scalawag
Reckoning with the South—in print, online, and in person.
Go to the profile of Lewis Wallace
Lewis Wallace
Independent journalist, editor and transgender rabble-rouser. www.lewispants.com