Scaleswap: Year-End Recap and a Look Forward to 2022

Published in
5 min readDec 31, 2021

Before the year ends, we wanted to send a big THANK YOU to the Scaleswap community for your support in 2021. We’ve come a long way since the official launch of Scaleswap in July of 2021. Rest assured that we learned from each and every experience and have spent the last couple of months laying the foundation and framework necessary to make a big splash in 2022!

Here’s a look back at 2021 along with a few hints at what’s in store for Scaleswap in the new year!

IDO/INO Launches

Scaleswap is the most selective launchpad in the IDO space. Our vetting process is unparalleled and we are steadfast in our belief that long-term quality and substance will always prevail over hype. Very few launchpads share our resolve to select projects based on their potential to be successful 1–2 years from now, rather than 15 minutes after launch.

  • 7 Successful IDOs: Cirus, Torum, Envelop, ORE Network, Art Wallet, Anomus, Arcade Network
  • 2 Successful INOs: Metaprints and CapsCoin

Torum was a great example of this. The revolutionary SocialFi Metaverse platform launched right here on Scaleswap in September and went on to become the 2nd IDO launched on our platform (out of only 6) to cross the 1 billion USD token valuation “unicorn” line!

The extraordinary part of this story is that Torum was setting all-time highs 2 months after launch based on hard work and genuine growth, rather than hype.

All we can say is get ready for an exciting start to 2022. We already have 4 fully vetted and confirmed projects in the pipeline with targeted launches in January or early February (pending community approval, or course).

The Scaleswap Team

We’re growing! Our pre-IDO team has evolved in a major way and we’re gearing up for a big run in the new year. In addition to our previous key acquisitions of InnMind founder Nelli Orlova and venture analyst Filip Sokol, we’ve also just recently added 5 more talented team members to the marketing and project management departments. We look forward to introducing each of them to our community very soon!

Multi-Chain Integrations

Scaleswap is already integrated with Ethereum and 3 other chains (Polygon, BSC, Fantom). And we’ll soon have some very exciting news about 3 more integrations we’re already working on! These integrations are not merely to tick a check box. We’re working hard to establish strong relations and partnerships with teams and major players in each ecosystem to ensure that we have the necessary traction to onboard new users and strengthen our IDO pipeline with each integration.

On that front, we’re excited to pre-announce that Scaleswap was just awarded a significant grant from the Harmony Foundation to become one of the first launchpads in their rising ecosystem. The integration will allow startups to launch IDOs/INOs with HRC20 tokens and so enrich the Harmony ecosystem with top-notch projects discovered and vetted by our team.

We’ve been in discussions with the Harmony team since meeting them in person at DCentral Miami last month, and already have several startups in the pipeline that are eager to explore integration with their chain! More details coming soon!

wNFT Launchpad

Here at Scaleswap, we’re always searching for new and innovative ways to bring additional value and opportunities to our community and the projects launching on our platform. Since the new and exciting technology of collateralizing NFTs was developed, Scaleswap became the very first in the world to implement it in a new special product: Multi-Chain wNFT Pre-IDO Launchpad.

The new product will open up a world of possibilities for our community as well as launching projects. We look forward to putting the platform to work for our community in 2022. You can learn more about it here.


We’ve officially partnered with Hacken, PureFi, UFOStart, and Biconomy. We also consider every project that launches on our platform as an important strategic partner and we remain in touch with each one on a regular basis.

But let’s not forget about our flagship partnership with InnMind as a source of promising early stage startups for our pipeline. Scaleswap is an official partner of InnMind’s Crypto VC pitching sessions. With Nelli Orlova’s strong connections to investors, prominent VC professionals and rising tech entrepreneurs, we’ve barely begun to scratch the surface of what this partnership will mean to Scaleswap in the future.

Early Investor Token Unlocks

Our tokenomics were purposefully designed with an aggressive unlock schedule for investors and strategic partners. As we close the year, we’ve also reached the very last unlock for these tokens (December 2021). It’s been a bumpy road as of late, but our ecosystem is in great shape heading into the new year with all investor and partner unlocks behind us.

PureFi Launches SCA Token Staking Pool

PureFi just launched a staking pool for the Scaleswap community on their platform. Anyone interested in supporting the Scaleswap ecosystem, while earning more SCA and boosting your ScaleSCORE simultaneously can participate!

This is the first of many exciting new initiatives to kick off the new year. Staking is a powerful tool for a community where true believers and adopters can support a project while gaining an unparalleled advantage over others — especially in this case with the ScaleSCORE considerations.

You can view the full details of PureFi’s SCA staking program here.

ScaleSCORE Improvements

ScaleSCORE is the core element to our ecosystem — the foundation that everything else is built on. In order to realize our mission of becoming the premier launchpad in the IDO space, we understand that the ScaleSCORE system needs to be continuously analyzed and improved.

  • We’ve strengthened our team so that we have the additional capacity to dedicate to improvements and support requests.
  • We’re improving our documentation to make ScaleSCORE onboarding easier for all
  • We continue to review and discuss ScaleSCORE proposals from our community regularly and just launched the first set of proposals for voting.

With your help, it is our promise that we will refine ScaleSCORE, step-by-step, until it is the gold standard of the IDO sphere.

Happy New Year!

Again, we would like to thank our community for their relentless support and dedication since our launch. While we are extremely proud of what we have achieved this year, we are just getting started and have a comprehensive growth plan in place that we look forward to executing.

2022 promises to be a great year for Scaleswap, and we cannot wait to share more with you over the coming weeks and months. Until then, we wish all our community members and partners a very happy New Year!

We’ll see you in 2022.

The Scaleswap team




The first truly fair IDO launchpad, focused on transparency and a long-term vision to transform IDOs into a more sustainable & community-driven launch strategy.