Shortcuts: how I gained those extra 10 seconds…

Ashleigh Danks
School Of Code Blog
2 min readNov 6, 2017





If you, like me, are just starting out as a software developer you are probably aware that your keyboard is where you are about to spend most of your time and so saving 10 seconds here and there soon adds up. So knowing some shortcuts will:

  1. Make you more productive
  2. Make you look more professional (rather than scrambling for the mouse every 2 seconds).

I am going to cover a number of general shortcuts that I introduced to my fellow Bootcampers in the last 8 weeks, as well as some more specialised commands for applications such as atom.

Links to the other sections are shown above.

Key combinations have been shown for Windows and IOS.

Windows : ‘ctrl+c’ IOS: ‘cmd+c’
Copies everything you have selected.

‘ctrl+v’ ‘cmd+v’
Pastes what is on the clipboard.

‘ctrl+x’ ‘cmd+x’
Deletes what is selected and copies it to the clipboard.

‘ctrl+z’ ‘cmd+z’
Undo the previous action performed.

‘ctrl+y’ ‘cmd+shift+z’
Redo the action that was undone.

‘ctrl+a’ ‘cmd+a’
Select everything.

‘ctrl+left/right’ ‘option+left/right’
Move along a line one word at a time.

‘ctrl+shift+left/right’ ‘option+shift+left/right’
Select words along a line, one at a time.

‘shift+any arrow key’ ‘shift+any arrow key’
Select characters or lines one at a time.

‘shift+home/end’ ‘shift+cmd+left/right’
Select everything from the current cursor position to either the beginning/end of the line.

Getting around

‘ctrl+tab’ ‘ctrl+option+right’
Toggle forward through tabs in browser.

‘ctrl+shift+tab’ ‘ctrl+option+left’
Toggle backward through the tabs.

‘ctrl+a number’ ‘cmd+ a number’
Jump to the tab in the position equal to the number. Exception — ‘9’ will take you to the last tab.

‘alt+tab’ cmd+tab
Toggle through the all of the open windows on your pc.

I’ll update this list as I continue to develop and if there any great shortcuts you think I should include drop me a comment.

