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Inspiring Science Communication
Insights from swissnex San Francisco’s annual science communication study tours in the San Francisco Bay Area
Note from the editor

Insights from swissnex San Francisco’s annual science communication study tours in the San Francisco Bay Area

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swissnex San Francisco
Connecting the dots between Switzerland and North America in science, education, art and innovation. Catalyst, nexus, curator.
Go to the profile of Benjamin Bollmann
Go to the profile of rogigonz
Go to the profile of Emmanuelle Marendaz
Emmanuelle Marendaz
Social Sciences Communicator visiting #SciCommCH #basf15 @swissnexSF Usually tweeting @NCCR_LIVES Based @unil @UNIGEnews
Go to the profile of Robin
Go to the profile of Christian Schultz
Go to the profile of Sandrine Hajdukiewicz
Go to the profile of Oliver Stebler
Go to the profile of Roxanne Currat
Go to the profile of Laure
Romande en exil * Cyberplume @SwissEuresearch * Happy guest #SciComm @swissnexSF * Voix de #CarnotzetVoltaire @Carnotzet * Let's rock!