Google Summer of Code: OpenMF Week 2

Swapnal Shahil
SCoRe Lab
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2021
Google Summer of Code with SCoRe Lab: Week 2

Hello readers, I am back with another update on Google Summer of Code. In this blog, I am sharing my work which I did in the second week of the coding period.

In case if you haven't seen my proposal yet, check out this link here. 🤗

So in the first two days, I looked for the browsers and Bluetooth database location in android mobile and was waiting for my previous PR to be merged by my mentor 🙄. After this, I worked on the extraction part of the browser and wrote scripts for the same. For this, I researched all the tables from the database and tried to gather all the necessary information which will be useful for mobile forensic.

Tables from the chrome history database

Then I worked on the implementation from POSTMAN and CMD to directly extract browser data through dedicated command and wrote an API that will provide the data path to history.tsv, which contains all the necessary information of the desired case stored in a database.

Extraction of browser data using CMD
Extracted data in history.tsv

Later I worked on the extraction of Bluetooth data from an android device and implemented this to extract from Postman and CMD, which I did for the browser part. We will get all the information like which data is transferred from the current android device to whatever connected device, data path, time when data is shared, direction and destination, total bytes, and device name. Also, I created an API that carries the data path of bluetooth.tsv where all the information will be stored.

Extraction of Bluetooth data using CMD
Extracted data in bluetooth.tsv

Here is a fun fact!! I did the Bluetooth extraction part and wrote more than 170 lines of python code in just two hours. The more interesting part is that it worked without any error in one go. 😂😂

My coming next week will be challenging for me as I have to work on the image forensic and location extraction part. I will keep updating you about my work through these blogs.

Till then if you haven’t read my previous blog here is a link for that : Google Summer of Code: OpenMF Week 1.

See you soon!!😊

Github: swapnalshahil 👈

LinkedIn: swapnalshahil 🤘

Instagram: eulersgamma 😃



Swapnal Shahil
SCoRe Lab

GSoC’22 Mentor || GSoC’21 @SCoReLab || B.Tech at IIT Guwahati'23