Go to Scribd Data Science & Engineering Blog
Scribd Data Science & Engineering Blog
Lessons from the Scribd data science & engineering teams.
Note from the editor

Lessons from the Scribd data science & engineering teams.

Go to the profile of Kevin Perko
Go to the profile of Joe Conway
Joe Conway
Head of mobile engineering @ Scribd
Go to the profile of Alex Bernardin
Go to the profile of David Feldman
David Feldman
Data science at Scribd
Go to the profile of Matthew Relich
Matthew Relich
An ex-physicist posing as a data scientist at Scribd
Go to the profile of Kat Glaeser
Kat Glaeser
Data Science at Scribd
Go to the profile of Théophane Rupin
Go to the profile of Paris Xavier Pinkney
Paris Xavier Pinkney
Twitter: @pxpgraphics. Senior iOS Engineer + Designer (@udemy, @scribd, @vlnrable, @marqeta). Son + Brother. OAK born. LAS raised. FLG educated. CALI native.
Go to the profile of George Treviranus
George Treviranus
Learning to see. @gwtrev
Go to the profile of Stephane Magne
Stephane Magne
iOS Developer @ Scribd
Go to the profile of Soo-Rae Hong
Soo-Rae Hong
Software Engineer @ Scribd
Go to the profile of Ugi Kutluoglu
Ugi Kutluoglu
Web developer with a focus on accessibility and usability.
Go to the profile of Brayden Cleary
Brayden Cleary
Data Science at Scribd
Go to the profile of Siwei Zhu
Go to the profile of Lori Buschbaum