A Helping Hand

A Poem and Request

Q. Imagine


Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash

Sometimes we need a helping hand,
to stay afloat or to stay on land.

To understand that we all need a guide,
when things pop up and break our stride.

We try to provide for the ones we love,
and try to see what this world is made of.

But it only takes a smile to change the outcome of a day,
when someone tries to help you in anyway.

Just say Thank You.

© 2023 Q. Imagine. All rights reserved.

Hello everyone,

I hope this poems finds you well. I am thankful to say that two of my poems are getting published in anthology for Worlds Of Possibility. I am really excited and happy about this opportunity! I am thankful to everyone who has supported me on this journey. Thank you to Thomas Gaudex and Scribe being one of the many editors and publications that have helped me hone in my work for this moment.

Which brings me to this: here’s this kickstarter to help my work and many others’ work reach a publishing goal and a wider audience. To all of the hearts that love and support, I thank you. And to everyone whom read this far and just enjoyed the ride, thank you too! If interested, please click here.

Peace and Love,




Q. Imagine
Writer for

Author of Eeala and The Water Dragons and The Exhale Chronicles. Screenwriter. Poet. Lover. Dreamer.