Reflections In Nature


Writing Prompt — On the Road to Spring

Sam Aureli


Photo by Alexandra Vo on Unsplash

The sun peeks through the slit
in the curtains, its rays warm
against my skin. I’d almost
forgotten what it felt like. Winter’s
fury appears to have abated,
and I venture out for the first time
in as long as I can remember, breathe
in the change carried by the winds.

The flutelike song of the wood thrush
echoes throughout, filling
the budding sycamore trees
with sweet and heart-warming
melodies. They sing of love,
and forage for leaf-litter as they
prepare homes to bring about
new life into these woodlands.

Bent over, I press hand to soil
dampened by the melting snow,
and feel the trembling of the ground
as mother nature thrusts rebirth up toward
the light, the delicate crocus a reminder
that no matter how bruised and battered
I am, there is a hope that springs
eternal and revives the soul.

As always, a huge THANK YOU you for taking the time to read my poem. Without you, my voice would be a soft whisper just floating in the air.

Revival was written as part of Scribe’s writing prompt, On the Road to Spring. A special thank you to editor Thomas Gaudex for the opportunity, and for his tireless work to make Scribe a great publication. Submissions are due March 20, so get writing!

If you enjoyed Revival, you may also be interested in reading my other work:

