Let’s See

Poetry Prompt: just because you love the sound

Vic Spandrio


Photo by Roma Kaiukon Unsplash

Futures derived from the implied you and me, without the need to spell it out, because what else would I be talking about – when standing on an airport bridge, waving north of the equator, while an exhausted wind strips the cheek of a falling tear

dramatic, yes —and yes I had a raincoat on, filled with hours of experience, which was more than I could bear —when less than a hopeful forecast would not have raised me, above thirty-thousand feet, for a second time, safely —

landing in waiting waters — fingers shrivelled within a limp hand then, around a steaming cup, carelessly counting the clouds gathering, well before they’d hatched —interest lost when they finally did. Then returning to the raincoat —

different, more grown but worn by a shrug. Another hope pinned to the collar, beside outward displays of assurance, for myself — because it’s hard to get it together, without a spare hand to hold on, and still keep the voice from shaking —

something that’s obvious from this forward view of now, but skies are never clear when waiting on forthcoming degrees — either way

I should throw that old coat out.

Vic Spandrio 2021

Inspired once again by the master of prompts J.D. Harms with his latest, just because you love the sound

