Scuba Diving Industry Market Report

State of The Dive Industry 2023: Worldwide Trends in Certifications at All Levels by Category & Region (Benchmarking)

Recreational and technical scuba diving, freediving, swimming & first aid certification courses as reported by training agencies, dive centers & dive instructors.

Darcy Kieran (Scuba Diving)
Published in
10 min readJul 12, 2023


Darcy Kieran is the author of the reference book “Scuba Diving Industry Market Size & Statistics.”

Earlier this year, The Business of Diving Institute conducted the first State of The Industry (SOTI) survey of the Dive Industry. We looked at 2022 results for dive certifications, scuba diving equipment sales, and dive travel compared to the prior year. We also surveyed expectations and forecasts for 2023.

Yes! July is a bit late to release these numbers! But 2023 was a test run. For 2024, we will conduct the SOTI survey in January and release the results shortly after, using templates prepared for this year’s test run.

Thanks to all those of you who participated in this test run. Considering the positive response and extensive participation, we intend to make it an annual study to be executed in January.

You may consult the number of respondents per business category and geographical region here.

Dive Industry Growth vs. Post-pandemic Rebound

Keep in mind there was a positive impact on the 2022 results over 2021 because of a reopening of business activities post-pandemic. We cannot use these 2022 annual growth results as an indication of a growth trend in the dive industry.

To have a better indication of the growth (or decline) of the dive industry, we would have needed survey respondents to provide reports on their 2022 results compared to pre-pandemic (2019) levels, but there is a limit to how much time dive business professionals want to spend answering surveys!

Over time, as 2024 and 2025 roll in, we will be able to identify trends.

Certification Courses at All Levels

In this first report below, we look at all levels of training courses, including recreational scuba diving, tech diving, freediving, and first aid.

First, we will summarize worldwide results & forecasts from dive training agencies. Then, we will look at certification results and forecasts from dive centers, schools, and clubs. In both cases, we will segment the report by category of certification and by region.

From the SOTI 2023 survey, we also published a dive industry market report on sales of scuba diving equipment. Find a complete list of reports from the State of The Dive Industry 2023 study here. Subscribe to stay in the know.

Changes in The Number of Certification Courses as Reported by Training Agencies: 2022 Results & 2023 Forecasts

Financially, 91% of dive training agencies reported that their 2022 sales were flat compared to 2021, while 9% reported an increase.

For 2023, 100% of dive training agencies forecasted a sale increase. Optimism is in the air!

Changes in The Worldwide Number of Certifications by CATEGORY as Reported & Forecasted by TRAINING AGENCIES

Based on results provided by training agencies, pro-level certifications (divemasters and instructors) have been lacking behind entry-level certifications in 2022. This is consistent with what dive center owners and managers have reported to us: they are having a hard time finding all the dive professionals they need. Many dive professionals hung their hats (fins) during the pandemic and re-oriented their careers, often to much more profitable endeavors.

Otherwise, advanced scuba diving certifications appear to have grown more than entry-level certifications in 2022, which, presumably, indicates that already-certified divers sought additional training when coming back to scuba diving post-pandemic.

On the tech diving front, sidemount is a rising star, followed by cave and rebreathers. The “rest of tech diving” does not seem to be as successful.

Freediving appears to continue on its growth path, as we witnessed for a few years before the COVID-19 pandemic.

The percentages in the graphs below indicate how many survey respondents reported or forecasted a decrease, flat or increase in the number of certifications.

Worldwide Number of Certifications at All Levels (as reported by training agencies)
Worldwide Number of Entry-Level Open Water Certifications (as reported by training agencies)
Worldwide Number of Advanced Scuba Certifications Excluding Tech Diving (as reported by training agencies)
Worldwide Number of Sidemount Diving Certifications (as reported by training agencies)
Worldwide Number of Rebreather Diving Certifications (as reported by training agencies)
Worldwide Number of Cave Diving Certifications (as reported by training agencies)
Worldwide Number of Tech Diving Certifications excl. Sidemount, Cave & Rebreathers (as reported by training agencies)
Worldwide Number of Freediving Certifications (as reported by training agencies)
Worldwide Number of Pro Level Scuba Certifications — Divemasters & Instructors (as reported by training agencies)
Worldwide Number of Try Dive Participants e.g. Discover Scuba Diving (as reported by training agencies)
Worldwide Number of Oxygen First Aid Provider Certifications (as reported by training agencies)
Worldwide Number of First Aid & CPR Certifications (as reported by training agencies)
Worldwide Number of Visual Cylinder Inspector & Service Technician Certifications (as reported by training agencies)

Changes in The Number of Certifications by REGION as Reported & Forecasted by TRAINING AGENCIES

Based on results provided by training agencies, in 2022, the USA was the lowest-performing region compared to 2021. However, we have to remember that the USA was one of the least affected regions during the pandemic because anti-COVID-19 measures were more relaxed than elsewhere. In fact, scuba diving grew in Florida during the pandemic. Therefore, the rebound in 2022 was proportionally less than elsewhere.

For 2023, China is the area where training agencies are the most optimistic. And Eastern Europe, including Russia, is where they are the most pessimistic.

The percentages in the graphs below indicate how many survey respondents reported or forecasted a decrease, flat or increase in the number of certifications.

Number of Certifications at All Levels: USA incl. AK & HI (as reported by training agencies)
Number of Certifications at All Levels: Canada (as reported by training agencies)
Number of Certifications at All Levels: Mexico, Central America, Caribbean, Tropical Atlantic (as reported by training agencies)
Number of Certifications at All Levels: South America (as reported by training agencies)
Number of Certifications at All Levels: Western Europe (as reported by training agencies)
Number of Certifications at All Levels: Eastern Europe incl. Russia (as reported by training agencies)
Number of Certifications at All Levels: Australia & New Zealand (as reported by training agencies)
Number of Certifications at All Levels: China, Hong Kong & Macau (as reported by training agencies)
Number of Certifications at All Levels: Japan, Other Non-Tropical Asia-Pacific Region (as reported by training agencies)
Number of Certifications at All Levels: South Pacific, Indo-Pacific, Other Tropical Asia-Pacific Region (as reported by training agencies)
Number of Certifications at All Levels: Egypt (as reported by training agencies)
Number of Certifications at All Levels: Middle East excl. Egypt (as reported by training agencies)
Number of Certifications at All Levels: Africa & Madagascar (as reported by training agencies)

Changes in The Number of Certification Courses as Reported by Dive Centers & Professionals: 2022 Results & 2023 Forecasts

On top of surveying dive training agencies on 2022 results and 2023 forecasts for certification courses, we also surveyed dive centers, dive resorts, dive clubs, dive schools, and independent instructors.

Unfortunately, we can only report on the USA and Western Europe because the sample size was too small in other regions. We are working on fixing this issue for the 2024 survey. You can help us provide you with better dive industry market reports by participating in our surveys and inviting your colleagues to do so. Please subscribe and invite your colleagues to participate in our ongoing dive industry market surveys.

For now, we have numbers reported by dive training agencies (above) for all regions.

Changes in The Number of Certifications Courses as Reported & Forecasted by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in The USA

In the USA, in 2022, the fastest growth was seen in freediving certifications, followed by disabled/handicapped scuba participation, cave diving certs, and swimming lessons.

Dive training professionals in the USA reported that pro-level training was weak in 2022, just like dive training agencies also reported.

For 2023, dive training professionals in the USA were particularly optimistic about cave diving, freediving, and advanced scuba certifications.

Training Revenues (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Changes in The Percentage of Students Enrolled in Online Learning (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Entry-Level Open Water Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Advanced Scuba Certifications excl. Tech Diving (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Sidemount Diving Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Rebreather Diving Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Cave Diving Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Tech Diving Certifications excl. Sidemount, Cave & Rebreathers (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Freediving Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Pro Level Scuba Certifications — Divemasters & Instructors (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Try Dive Participants, e.g., Discover Scuba Diving (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Disabled/Handicapped Scuba Participants (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Swim Lesson Participants (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Oxygen First Aid Provider Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of First Aid & CPR Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)
Number of Visual Cylinder Inspector & Service Technician Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in the USA)

Changes in The Number of Certifications Courses as Reported & Forecasted by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in WESTERN EUROPE

Financially, it appears that dive training professionals in Western Europe performed better than those in the USA, although, in growth in the number of certifications, it was the other way around.

In 2022, the fastest growth in Western Europe was seen in try scuba experiences, advanced scuba certifications (excluding tech diving), and cave diving.

Western Europe dive training professionals reported that pro-level training was weak in 2022 compared to diver-level certifications, just like dive training agencies also reported, and very similar to the situation in the USA.

For 2023, dive training professionals in Western Europe were particularly optimistic about advanced scuba certifications (excluding tech diving), try dive experiences, cave diving, and freediving.

Training Revenues (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Changes in The Percentage of Students Enrolled in Online Learning (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Entry-Level Open Water Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Advanced Scuba Certifications excl. Tech Diving (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Sidemount Diving Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Rebreather Diving Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Cave Diving Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Tech Diving Certifications excl. Sidemount, Cave & Rebreathers (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Freediving Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Pro Level Scuba Certifications — Divemasters & Instructors (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Try Dive Participants, e.g., Discover Scuba Diving (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Disabled/Handicapped Scuba Participants (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Swim Lesson Participants (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Oxygen First Aid Provider Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of First Aid & CPR Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)
Number of Visual Cylinder Inspector & Service Technician Certifications (as reported by Dive Centers, Resorts, Clubs & Independent Instructors in Western Europe)

NEW: Announcing Market Viz Project (MVP) To Generate Scuba Diving Market Size Reports

The State Of The (dive) Industry (SOTI) survey provides us with decline, flat, or growth trends. But it doesn’t tell us the actual market size in dollars (or other currencies). Therefore, we are pushing out work further with the MVP project.

The SOTI and MVP studies are part of a series of dive industry surveys by the Business of Diving Institute in collaboration with InDepth Magazine with support from DAN Europe, Shearwater, GUE, and most importantly, YOU! Besides participating in this survey, please let us know if you would like to add your name to the official list of supporters.

Also from Darcy Kieran:

Side note: During your surface intervals, have a look at my novels with a scuba diving twist, starting with “Mystery of The Blue Dragon” and “Shadows on Ocean Drive.”

You could help the dive industry by taking part in ongoing dive industry surveys. You will also find results from our past scuba diving market studies here.

Don’t be left out! Subscribe to Scubanomics: The Dive Industry Compass to be the first to know about new dive industry market data & insights. Otherwise, be our “dive business buddy” on LinkedIn, Facebook, and elsewhere.

What now? Have a look at the complete Scubanomics Table of Contents.

Scuba Diving Industry Market Research & Data, Scuba Equipment Global Market Size
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Darcy Kieran (Scuba Diving)

Entrepreneur | Author | Radio Announcer | Scuba Diving Instructor Trainer — #ScubaDiving #Tourism — #Miami #Montreal #Marseille