Effective SEO Strategies

Seattle SEO
Published in
5 min readFeb 15, 2021

Effective SEO Steps SEO Experts Implement

Search Engine Optimization

The word “SEO” stands for “Search Engine Optimization,” which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through search engine results.

What is the quantity and quality in this case?

Quantity, in this case, is the number of users who visit your website. This is critical. High quantity doesn’t always mean high quality. You don’t want users with no interest in your product or service to visit your website to create performance issues.

Search engine

A search engine is a software system designed to carry out web searches (Internet searches). For example, search engines assist in searching and browsing for content available on the World Wide Web. These tools help systematically deliver information based on the textual web search query.

The search results are generally presented in a line of results, often referred to as search engine results pages (SERPs). The information may include links to web pages, images, videos, infographics, articles, research papers, and others.

Some search engines also mine data available online or open directories. Unlike web directories, which human editors maintain, search engines also maintain real-time information by running algorithms and web crawlers. In fact, not all content can be indexed and searched by a web search engine and is generally referred to as the deep web.

Benefits of SEO

SEO targets quality traffic

Unlike traditional “outbound” advertising channels, which involve reaching out to consumers whether they want to hear from you or not, inbound methods center on making it easy for your audience to find you when they want to.

The results of SEO can be cost-effective when compared to Paid Ads.

Google’s organic rankings are based entirely on its algorithm to be the best results for any given query. This means that once you’ve created a page that the search engine deems worthy of directing their users to, it can continue to attract traffic to your site for months (or even years) after it's published.

SEO strategies

An SEO strategy is the process of planning, outlining, and implementing steps designed to improve search engine rankings.

Create a list of keywords:

Everything in search engine optimization revolves around keywords. This is why keyword research is usually the first step of any legit SEO strategy. You can easily find keywords that your target customer searches for using Google Suggest.

  • Analyze Google’s first page.
  • Create something different or better.
  • Add a hook.
  • Optimize for on-page SEO
  • Make your content look awesome.
  • Build a link to your page.
  • Improve and update your content.

Research and Plan

Researching and planning involve an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a particular business. For example, a business website design might cover a particular firm’s strategy or a broader market. Key areas to consider include:

  • Be realistic.
  • Identify a compelling angle.
  • The plan should relatable to ALL prospects.
  • Follow the classic narrative arc.
  • Use data to illustrate key online goals.
  • Frame your business to align with competitors.

What top SEO experts recommend

Align Your Content with Search Intent

Search intent is the purpose behind every search query. Understanding and satisfying search intent is Google’s ultimate priority. Pages that rank on the first page of Google have all passed Google’s litmus test on search intent.

Write a Compelling Title Tag and Meta Description

Search engines better understand website content if supported by structured data, titles, and meta descriptions.

Optimize Your Images

Optimized images play a crucial role in SEO. Especially when it comes to improving the user experience of visitors to your site. Chances are you spend a lot of time selecting the right images to enhance your blog posts, product pages, and other important pages on your site.

Optimize Your Page Speed

If your site takes a long time to load, you will have many frustrated users, and page ranking will be penalized.

Use Internal Linking

It’s not a secret that content is king when it comes to Search Engine Optimization(SEO). Google finds your best posts and pages from somewhere on the web. Internal links also link your content and give Google an idea of how your website is structured. Also, internal linking of relevant web pages helps improve the user experience on a website.

Other areas to apply during the internal SEO process include:

  • Use subheadings
  • Make your content visually appealing.
  • Avoid using intrusive popups.
  • Use white space.
  • Create short and Keywords in URLs.
  • Focus on Getting More Authoritative Backlinks.
  • Publish Long-Form Content.

Despite several changes to Google’s search algorithm and ranking system, Google still considers backlinks a key ranking signal. Google recognizes backlinks as votes of confidence.

How to start SEO

Step 1:

  • Analyze Your Current Website Setup
  • What is your website platform?
  • Do you need to change your current design?

Step 2:

  • Topic Creation & Keyword Research. We must be optimizing around topics rather than keywords. However, we still need to do some keyword research to see what keywords within that particular topic we want to optimize.

Step 3:

Establish a Pillar Content Strategy. For example, content is the core of a website, and if you do not execute a content strategy correctly, you could be missing out on some serious search engine rankings. Much like Google’s Algorithm, the way we create SEO content is different from before.

Step 4:

Perform an SEO Audit. Any SEO expert or consultant knows that an audit is the start of the campaign, and as such, it is important to understand how to perform an SEO audit. A site audit will help identify areas that need improvement regarding on-page SEO and help determine the strengths and weaknesses of your off-page SEO. With SEMRush, we have all we need to perform an SEO audit.

Step 5:

Define & Track Your Goals. It is important to define your goals and how to track them. If you do not figure out what success looks like for your company, then you have no way of telling whether or not that strategy you put together has worked or not.

Key SEO Steps:

  • Work on On-Site-Optimization.
  • Work on Local SEO.
  • Continue adding quality backlinks.
  • Continue educating and adding quality and relevant digital content.

Takeaway on SEO

The main drawback in using SEO for any business is that it takes time to see results. Success in digital marketing lies not only in simply establishing your website but in getting a good hold and presence in search engines. The process involves a great deal of effort in getting your content indexed and ranked high by search engines.



Seattle SEO

A Seattle web design and online marketing agency that delivers high-end websites. A passion for web development and SEO.