Learn how I cleaned up this old kit on an ultra-low budget!

How To Clean Up An Old Drum Kit On A Budget

Seb Atkinson
9 min readApr 7, 2018


I recently picked up an 8 year old drum kit to serve as my budget gigging kit, however while it was in generally good condition with solid bearing edges, it was filthy! As I wasn’t planning to use the kit too often, I planned to clearn it up on a low budget. Read on to discover how I cleaned up this kit for a budget of under £5!

The background

Back in 2016, I got back into drumming after a 4–5 year break, putting together my own custom hybrid eDrum kit so I could practice without distrubing the neighbours (read my walkthrough on how to make one here!)

I spent the next year recording a few drum covers for my new Youtube channel and some Instagram clips but there was one thing that I was still really missing… playing with others!

So I headed to joinmyband.co.uk and a few auditions later, I’d joined a local covers band. Great!

We’ve since started gigging and so I was keen to find myself a new acoustic kit that sounds (and looks) better than my ageing 2004 Pearl Forum, which I got way back when I first started drumming. Aside from being made of cheap wood, (Basswood or poplar — Pearl’s catalogue from the day doesn’t even mention the type of wood used, it’s that bad!), it also had rack toms with drilled shells so the mounting arms would actually penetrate the…



Seb Atkinson

I mostly write about SEO and digital marketing, plus other interest in travel and electronic drums.