Innovating DeFi: Secured Finance’s Multi-Chain Strategy

Revolutionizing Interoperability and Composability across Blockchains

Masa | Secured Finance
Secured Finance
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2024


Secured Finance Protocol on Multi-Chain Interoperability


Secured Finance stands out in the rapidly evolving landscape of decentralized finance (DeFi) with its pioneering on-chain fixed-income market launched on Ethereum Mainnet in 2023. This innovative platform allows users to influence bond pricing mechanisms directly without an intermediary, thus facilitating an efficient peer-to-peer lending and borrowing ecosystem.

Originating from winning a notable prize from the Ethereum Foundation at a hackathon in 2020 Summer, Secured Finance’s journey culminated in December 2023 with the launch of a platform designed to underpin the fixed-income capital markets on Ethereum, the mother blockchain known for its unparalleled market cap and liquidity.


Addressing the critical demand for reduced transaction costs and expedited processing, Secured Finance has strategically embraced a multi-chain approach. This expansion strategy encompasses deploying its sophisticated market infrastructure across several leading blockchains, including Arbitrum, Avalanche, and Polygon zkEVM, thereby marrying efficiency with accessibility.


  • Arbitrage Opportunities: The strategy capitalizes on the yield curve discrepancies for identical assets across different blockchains, offering lucrative arbitrage opportunities.
  • Interest Rate Normalization: Multi-chain arbitrage efforts lead to normalizing interest rates and establishing a set of more reliable benchmark rates. This development is poised to facilitate the emergence of innovative derivative markets.
  • Economic Efficiency: Adopting a multi-chain strategy significantly cuts gas costs and accelerates transaction speeds, directly benefiting users by enhancing economic efficiency and user experience.

Implementation and Outlook:

The multi-chain deployment of Secured Finance is a strategic initiative aimed at capturing a broader audience and consolidating its dominance in the DeFi sector. This forward-thinking approach is expected to catalyze significant growth and stimulate widespread innovation within the DeFi industry, potentially reshaping its future landscape.

Enhancing Interoperability through Multi-Chain Deployment:

  1. Bridging Ecosystems: By serving as a nexus among diverse blockchain ecosystems, Secured Finance significantly enhances user experience and access to a wide array of assets and services. This role is instrumental in expanding the DeFi market’s reach and utility.
  2. Integration with DeFi Projects: As a fully on-chain protocol, Secured Finance ensures seamless interoperability with existing DeFi projects. Leveraging this composability, it introduces unique financial products by integrating its features with those of other DeFi offerings. For instance, combining Secured Finance’s zero-coupon bonds with derivative options can create capital-protected structured products, offering sophisticated investment vehicles to the market.
  3. Creation of Unique Financial Products: The multi-chain approach facilitates collaboration with unique DeFi projects across various ecosystems, enabling the development of bespoke financial products and services. This initiative underscores Secured Finance’s commitment to innovation, providing users with tailored financial solutions that exploit the distinct advantages of each blockchain.
  4. Addressing Cross-Chain Interoperability Challenges: By tackling the complexities of cross-chain interoperability, Secured Finance streamlines asset transfers and information exchange across blockchain networks. With normalized interest rates serving as a benchmark across chains, it enables seamless derivative transactions without necessitating cross-chain cash settlements, thereby enhancing asset management flexibility and maximizing opportunities for users.


Secured Finance’s multi-chain strategy extends beyond merely addressing the issue of high gas fees, representing a visionary leap toward redefining the DeFi ecosystem. By promoting interoperability and composability across different blockchain ecosystems, Secured Finance is laying the foundation for a more accessible, innovative, and unified DeFi landscape. This strategic move is a significant stride towards establishing a more inclusive financial system that leverages the unique capabilities of various blockchains, potentially setting a new standard for the future of finance.

User Guides

  1. Secured Finance Expands to Arbitrum
  2. Secured Finance’s Strategic Expansion to Avalanche
  3. Secured Finance Ventures into Polygon zkEVM
Secured Finance Video: Thanks to Protocol Labs and GSR


Secured Finance Official Links
Website | Twitter | GitHub | Galxe | Link3 | Guild



Masa | Secured Finance
Secured Finance

Secured Finance Founder | Fixed Income DeFi | Former Head of Derivatives Structuring | Computer Scientist | Task Force Member for Cabinet Secretariat Japan