Test Pilot V3 Training Program

Secured Finance Official
Secured Finance


Dear Secured Finance Community,

As the much-anticipated mainnet launch in mid-December approaches, we are thrilled to unveil the Test Pilot V3 Training Program. This initiative is meticulously designed to prepare you for a smooth transition, ensuring you are adeptly equipped to navigate the new terrain awaiting our mainnet launch. Following the conclusion of the Test Pilot V2 Training Program, we’ve introduced noteworthy features like the Minimum Collateral Threshold and the Emergency Global Settlement, each bolstering the security and efficiency within the Secured Finance ecosystem.

Commencing on October 30th, the five-week-long V3 campaign will initiate with the Global Itayose Process, unveiling the first four order books across all assets. Each following week will reveal a new order book, mirroring the phased roll-out planned for the actual mainnet launch. This staged approach facilitates a comprehensive exploration and understanding of the market dynamics as they evolve.

The journey from V1 to V3 has been designed to immerse our users into the Secured Finance ecosystem progressively. V1 laid the foundation, acquainting users with the basics of DeFi and our platform. V2 then took a step further, delving into advanced functionalities of Secured Finance. V3 is set to simulate our mainnet launch, introduce innovative features, and transform users into adept bond traders.

We are crafting insightful bond trader-related articles. Though the full suite of articles is still in the works, they are slated to elucidate trading strategies like carry trade and arbitraging across different maturities. These resources aim to hone your trading acumen and empower you to harness the full potential of the Secured Finance platform.

Here’s a glimpse of what the Test Pilot V3 Training Program entails:

  • Week 1: Dive into the Global Itayose process with the first four order books.
  • Week 2–5: Unlock a new order book each week, delving deeper into the mechanics of the market.
  • Bond Trading Strategies: Stay tuned for articles guiding you through advanced trading strategies, enhancing your market foresight and decision-making prowess.

On-Chain Achievement Token (OAT) Campaign

We launched a new OAT campaign alongside the Test Pilot V3 Training Program. The OAT campaign is crafted to reward your engagement and exploration within the Secured Finance ecosystem. Starting from October 30th till the end of the V3 campaign, immerse yourself in the training program, complete the designated tasks, and earn your OATs as a testament to your burgeoning expertise and active participation.


Thank you for being an integral part of the Secured Finance community. Your engagement, feedback, and enthusiasm constantly drive us to innovate and enhance our platform. As we inch closer to the mainnet launch, the Test Pilot V3 Training Program is a crucial stride towards ensuring you are well-versed and confident to engage with the new features and trading opportunities on the horizon. Stay tuned for more updates as we approach our official launch. We are stepping into a new epoch of secure, fair, and transparent trading on Secured Finance. Happy trading!

Step-by-Step Guide Series

DeFi Apps Onboarding Guide

This guide will walk you through the steps you need to take to start using DeFi apps. You’ll learn how to set up your MetaMask wallet, connect it to DeFi apps, and get test ETH from Sepolia faucets.

  1. Setting up MetaMask Wallet
  2. Connecting Your Wallet
  3. Getting Test ETH from Sepolia Faucets

Secured Finance User Guide

This guide offers a concise walkthrough of the platform, covering key aspects from preparing test tokens and managing collateral to executing transactions. It also delves into advanced trading strategies that are unique to Secured Finance.

  1. Preparing Test Tokens for Practice
  2. Collateral Management
  3. Borrowing with Simple UI
  4. Lending with Simple UI
  5. Trading at Pre-Open Order Book (Itayose)
  6. Placing Limit Order
  7. Add/Reduce or Unwind Position
  8. User Guide on Emergency Global Settlement

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