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Vulnhub.com Bulldog CTF Solution

Here’s my write up of a solution to the Bulldog CTF VM by @frichette_n, and hosted on Vulnhub.com.

First step is to see what’s listening on our host:

nmap -A -O
Starting Nmap 7.60 (…

Vulnhub.com — Moria 1.1 Solution

I originally posted my first effort here, but conceded that I hadn’t managed to get root since I’d been caught up with a hash problem.

I’m not going to migrate the other article here, instead I’ll pick up where I left off.

Vulnhub.com — Quaoar VM Walkthrough

Another vulnerable machine walk through!

This VM was made for hackfest 2016 and is listed as very easy. I won’t disagree with how difficult it is rated. It might be that I have done quite a few of these now but this…