Channeled Session

Conversation with the Great Earth Spirit — GAIA— Introduction

Accessing The bio-library of earth’s ancient history

Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness



If you don’t know what tuning in or channeling is read about, what is channeling.

After having a brief conversation with the Thao, They advised me to tune in with these Earth Guardians who will give me access to the library of earth history.

I would recommend you first read greetings from the Ancients ones and a conversation with Thao to understand this third installation.

The conversation is a dictation from these Earth guardians so it is addressed to me as earth humans, where you see the word ‘You’ implies humans.

A summary of the content.

  • Origin of man in general and how it is viewed from another perspective.
  • Who existed before man came here?
  • What is nature?
  • Hairy-humanoids, Bigfoot perhaps.
  • Alternative and surgical story of Anunnaki.
  • An alternative explanation to diseases and human conditions.
  • An ongoing hostage situation.
  • The bio-servers and library, how information has been infiltrated.
  • Why do we have kings and monarchy systems?
  • Mirror realities.


Greetings, I am Muang’Akili, With reverence, I call upon the shelter and unity of the vast and divine kinship of Creation. By the authority of the Almighty Creator, only constructive and positive beings are welcome in this session. I seek communication with the ancient guardians of Earth. If deemed worthy, may I access this information?

Little one, your journey has been fraught with peril, yet you persisted in your mission beyond the physical reality, holding the torch steadfastly. We rejoice in your success, as you have reached the spear of destiny and the pinnacle of your mission. We applaud your achievement.

We will provide an account according to your people, an alternative history, and undisclosed knowledge. Keys to these libraries will be granted for future reference, allowing mass access through you.

Let’s start with what you term as the origin. The commonly held notion is that the origin is essentially the central source, representing the linear and progressive starting point of time. However, this perception is inaccurate. In reality, everything initiates with an outward spiral expansive movement. These centers mark moments that originate from a state of no-time and no-space, expanding outward towards the past, alternate possibilities, and potential futures. As they continue to expand, new source origins are generated, giving rise to a multitude of realities.

Additionally, a hierarchy of realities takes shape based on densities, frequencies, vibrations, patterns, and energy states in a precisely aligned manner. Picture a bird’s eye view of the plane of reality, where a timeline of past events stretches to the left, future events to the right, parallel realities perpendicular to the timeline, and alternate realities adjacent to it.

Different realms become accessible by zooming in or out of focus. Shifting the entire pattern or perception of this reality allows access to distinct realities. These planes, dimensions, and realms are structured hierarchically, layered based on densities, frequency, vibrations, and patterns. Progressing across these layers bridges you to realms of higher frequencies.

Furthermore, these timelines, dimensions, realms, and realities have limits — they are not infinite. They multiply only up to a certain threshold, becoming the benchmark or foundation of higher realms. Conversely, higher realms eventually degrade to form the threshold or ceiling boundary of lower realms.

The secondary planes of realities converge at the prime source and center, initiating the events that cascade into these secondary realities. In essence, a reality is created in every instance, branching from the prime reality. Disturbances in the medium or ether lead to the branching of new realities relative to that disturbance. Therefore, each of you serves as a creator of your own realities.

The Earth Guardians — Part 1



Muang'Akili Tum'zito
Seeds of Consciousness

An ordinary person, experiencing an extraordinary phenomenon. I talk, write and do all things life offers.