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SEED is an open and independent marketplace for developers and deployers of conversational user interfaces (CUIs) that democratizes AI.
Note from the editor

SEED is an open and independent marketplace for developers and deployers of conversational user interfaces (CUIs) that democratizes AI.

Go to the profile of SEED Token
SEED Token
Designed explicitly to enable an open, global, trusted bot economy.
Go to the profile of Nathan Shedroff
Nathan Shedroff
Nathan is a serial entrepreneur, including the new SEED digital currency: www.nathan.com & www.seedtoken.io
Go to the profile of Mark Stephen Meadows
Mark Stephen Meadows
Founder & CEO of Botanic.io, co-founder and Trustee of seedtoken.io (and Author, Inventor, Illustrator, Sailor).
Go to the profile of Nathan Shedroff
Nathan Shedroff
Nathan is a serial entrepreneur, including the new SEED digital currency: www.nathan.com & www.seedtoken.io
Go to the profile of Mark Stephen Meadows
Mark Stephen Meadows
Founder & CEO of Botanic.io, co-founder and Trustee of seedtoken.io (and Author, Inventor, Illustrator, Sailor).
Go to the profile of Gaby K. Slezák
Gaby K. Slezák
Founder of UNYTED unyted.space | Bringing Diversity&Inclusion to the metaverse | Since 1995. AI AR VR | #dei | mum | linkedin.com/in/gabyslezak