The SEED Token Project — Issue #3

SEED Token
Published in
4 min readJun 19, 2018

Greetings from SEED! In this week’s issue we:

  • Introduce you to some of our early code on GitHub
  • Preview upcoming events that we will be attending and speaking at (including bottish #8)
  • Welcome Bruce Wilcox to our Advisory Board

SEED Vault on GitHub

We are pleased to introduce you to a first taste of our early code on GitHub. As co-founder Mark Meadows stated:

“These early versions of code, ‘appetizers’ more than meal, are intended as introductory outlines for the core bot framework repositories to come. We will continue to release tools, modules, and components of the entire Bot Framework. These will include GUI authoring interfaces, middleware, example content, libraries, scripts, APIs and executables. We hope these releases not only encourage conversation and ongoing improvements but suggestions for additional projects and integration with 3rd-party projects.”

In the SEED Vault GitHub repository you will find:

The .BOT description — a human-readable open-source model for building a range of conversational AI. We hope that this sparks conversation around how to build the .HTML equivalent for bots — something that will allow developers to quickly and easily deploy bots.

ACTR — a method of generating real-time avatar animation from natural language generation models (NLP). This effectively animates not only an avatar based on what a system says, but is able to animate the entire scenegraph, effectively building a real-time cinematic.

FLOW — a JSON description that represents conversation and dialogue management methods.

Hadron — a standalone, embeddable client for use with bot services and allows voice input/output, real-time 3D, chat, buttons, cards, and other UI elements.

Upcoming Events

June continues to be a busy month for SEED with a number of exciting events taking place around the world.

This Thursday, June 21st SEED CTO Robert Nielsen will be speaking about New Standards to Support the Future of Bot Engineering at bottish #8, a respected online conference that focuses on bots, A.I., machine learning and robotics.

Then on June 27–28, SEED Trustee and Co-Founder, Mark Stephen Meadows, will be venturing to Amsterdam for the AI Blockchain Expo next week. The conference will be two days of exploring the industries that are set to be disrupted the most by blockchain and AI, such as financial services, legal, insurance, energy, and music.

Mark will then be making his way to one of the most progressive blockchain jurisdictions, Gibraltar, for the TokenMarket 2018 Summit. The event will cover a wide variety of blockchain and ICO topics, looking in particular at the emerging role of VC’s through tokens and the future of decentralised exchanges.

And then on June 29, SEED CEO Nathan Shedroff, will be attending the Next Big Money Maker event in San Francisco to analyse the role of emerging technologies and new data and how they are transforming the ways we invest. The event will explore the attraction and complexities of cryptocurrencies and how AI can be a useful investment tool to help us better understand today’s trends.

New Advisor Bruce Wilcox

We are happy to announce Bruce Wilcox, creator of the natural language open-source platform ChatScript, and two-time winner of the Loebner Prize in Artificial Intelligence, will join Seed as an advisor on Conversational User Interfaces (CUI). You can read more about Bruce and SEED on our blog.

Interesting News and Links


How a chatbot handled 30x scale for India’s largest sports

Dream11, India’s largest sports game, handles 30X more customer support queries by deploying Haptik’s chatbot effectively resulting in a 10x ROI for them.

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Who is going to make money in AI? Part

We are in the midst of a gold rush in AI. But who will reap the economic benefits? The mass of startups who are all gold panning? The corporates who have massive gold mining operations? The technology giants who are supplying the picks and shovels? And which nations have the richest seams of gold?


Intro to Cryptoeconomics — Part

Part I of an Intro to Cryptoeconomics by Anami Nguyen:

1. Why you should care about Cryptoeconomics
2. Use cases and why we need Cryptoeconomics
3. Social Contracts & Crypto
4. Goals
5. Security Models

Until Next Time…

Thanks for your interest in SEED. If you have any specific questions about the project, please contact, and you can always find us on the web at, on Telegram, on Discord, on Twitter and on Medium.

About the SEED Token Project

SEED is an open and independent marketplace for developers and deployers of conversational user interfaces (CUIs) that democratizes AI. The SEED Token is uniquely designed to support authentication, smart contracts, payments and ratings in order to reward quality and positive actors in the SEED economy.



SEED Token

Designed explicitly to enable an open, global, trusted bot economy.