Au Revoir, See You Again…

Backdates, Updates and Everything in Between

2 min readNov 30, 2020


Hello Hello!

It’s nostalgic to send out another newsletter for Self-ish, after almost a year. We halted scheduling in September to do some in-house maintenance, but we are back now, with a few changes.

This November, we clocked two years of the new self-ish. It came with plenty of celebration but was bittersweet as well.

  • Firstly, Ameaka shall be a taking a break from the publication for an indeterminate length of time (heartbreaking, we know!) 2020 has been crazy on all counts, and everyone needs a break, even superheroes. We shall miss her, but hopefully, you won’t have to.

You can always read her amazing pieces on Self-ish or her personal blog.

  • Glory Mafor shall be taking over as Chief-Editor in the meantime with a whole new team as well. Don’t you worry, our awesomeness just got better, we promise.

Expect another mail with more details about some of the changes that shall be made to the publication.

New writers, new style, same Self-ish.

Writing to me is love.
It’s my love letter to myself first, and then to the world. The first and maybe the only person my writing saves is me, but one is enough.
Ameaka, ‘Why I Write

Lots of love!




Word Addict/ Smart Mouth/Little Crazy&Maladroit. Poet, Writer, and Pharmacist.