Submission Guidelines

For Aspiring writers and members of the Gang

3 min readJan 7, 2019


Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels

Self-ish is launching a call for new Writers, want in?

We are looking for young African voices on the continent or in the diaspora who want to tell their own stories.

Is that you? Then contact us!

First off, please read our submissions call and decide if this is the place for you.

What to do?

First off, the writer must be on Medium (duuh)

If you are interested, #teamSelf-ish needs a pitch.

  • Email us: a short bio including your country of origin and present location, your Medium handle and a few lines telling us why you want to be on our team. Also, include a link of a draft you wish to submit and any other relevant posts on Medium if available. You can reach us at
  • You can also submit a request via Smedian (click on show embed to load form)

We’ll get you ASAP and you’ll receive a notification if you are added as a writer.

Dear Aspirants,

All pieces must have accompanying images (Medium rule) with owner credits, be well formatted for legibility, structure, grammar and punctuation. We reserve the right to reject any piece that does not meet these criteria.

The editors are not expected to re-write.

Here are the guidelines for editors, you might keep that in mind when doing your own review :

1. Obey the rules of grammar and punctuation (or bend them intentionally)

2. Have structural and logical coherence (should read smoothly, for most people)

3. Tell a story or teach a lesson.

This is what every single story should bear.

This is, essentially, our Motto.

Do whatever you want, within those lines.

The above points are key. Also, remember to use one of our tags (Creativity, Personal Development, Relationships, Money, Mental Health, Advocacy, Education.)

Once you are a member of the gang…

Community is key here and so is commitment.

Stories are scheduled for every OTHER Saturday (depending on the volume we receive, we may publish weekly) and each writer is required to submit once biweekly before Thursday 12.00 PM CAT deadline. A writer who does not submit any piece for a month will have to reconsider being part of the publication.

Writers also have access to a Whatsapp group for weekly reviews and writing tips.

You are encouraged to read and leave comments on fellow writer’s posts, why not check out their profiles and see what they are up to.

We are starting small and so will have to build our own hype. Check for us on Facebook and Twitter (@Selfishpub) and share with friends.

Some last publishing notes

We accept previously published work, as long it is properly referenced. And our writers are free to share their stories on other platforms as long as the link to the original Self-ish article is mentioned.

Writers also reserve the right to withdraw their stories (after proper notification).

We, however, do not tolerate duplicate publishing or plagiarism of any kind.

Waiting to hear from you!




Word Addict/ Smart Mouth/Little Crazy&Maladroit. Poet, Writer, and Pharmacist.