How to Self Publish Your Paperback on Amazon

There’s nothing better than holding your book in your hands. Here’s how to do it.

N. K. Carlson
Publishing Guide


Photo by Alice Hampson on Unsplash

Last week we talked about self publishing your ebook to Amazon. Today we look at the paperback side of the equation. Through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), self published authors are able to sell paperback copies of their books!

I am going to start with the assumption that you have already published your ebook and are now working on your paperback.


Formatting a paperback is much more complicated than an ebook. An ebook is flexible so it can fit a number of screens. A paperback is inflexible. It has to be formatted just right for print.

There are a couple of ways to format. First, KDP has formatted files available for download. Choose what size you want your book to be and copy and paste your book into this document and you are good to go. This is obviously a long and laborious process, but it is one that you should work hard at! You don’t want your book to print out all weird!

The second way is easier. Remember the Kindle Create file from you ebook? In the Beta version of that software, you are able to upload that same file to the paperback uploader. From there, you will be able to preview…



N. K. Carlson
Publishing Guide

Author. I write about religion, creativity, and leadership. YA Fantasy trilogy is out now! Subscribe to my email list: