The Creator’s Path 8 — Becoming Virtuous, Strengths vs Weakness, Curated Content

David King
The Creator’s Path
2 min readFeb 16, 2016


I’m curious would you like to receive a weekly email with quotes, articles, and ideas from The Creator’s Path through Medium?

I’m seriously asking, please answer even if the answer is a resounding no.

Over the past week, I’ve started to spend more time curating articles online that I think would be valuable to you as a reader. I’ve done this in two places — a collection on Medium and a section on

Quote of the Week: “Most strengths have corresponding weaknesses. If you try to manage or mitigate a given weakness, you might also eliminate the corresponding strength.” — Reid Hoffman

Article of the Week: How to Become Virtuous via Stoicism Today

In his article “How to Become Virtuous,” Tim Lebon examines how Stoic Philosophy, Mindfulness, and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) and Compassionate Mind Training (CMT) can come together to help us find our path’s to “virtue.” It’s commonly a widespread belief that stoicism requires a hardened sense of discipline. Lebon takes a look at how we can be more compassionate to ourselves through stoicism.

Stoic Philosophy has become quite popular over the last decade amongst entrepreneurs, artists, and athletes. It has recently been cited as an addition the “playbook” of several NFL teams. It was first introduced to me last year through Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle is the Way which had led me to read Marcus Aurelius’ “Meditations.” I highly recommend you read both.

Thought of the Week: DO THE WORK… One of the things I struggle with is doing something that feels productive but isn’t THE WORK. THE WORK is the challenging act of creating something that scares you. We need to become better at doing THE WORK.

Creator of the Week: Mike Murchison is the founder of Volley.Works a site that helps makers get help from other people in the community. He always takes the time to help and what he’s built is emblematic of his character.

