You’ll never have to remember anything *ever* again (really!)

Team AMI
Sell with AMI
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2020

Have you ever found yourself jotting down a note after a conversation with a customer on a Post-It only to turn your home upside down looking for it hours later? It happens to all of us.

The workarounds we’ve seen have been so impressive. We’ve met sellers who add notes in the name field in their phone books (like “Sally Smith Online Bingo Party 4/22”) because it’s the only way for them to find their business contacts easily. Some #poweredbyAMI sellers have created a custom label for every calendar month to make it easier to look up VIP customers by their birthdays.

In the spirit of always thinking about how to save sellers time and increase their sales, we’re excited to announce something new right on the heels of our latest Desktop updates: Advanced Search Filters are here! 🎉

Just a few of the Team AMI members (and their littles!) who were involved in building and supporting you with this new feature — all from home!

What are Advanced Filters?

Our resident search expert and Senior Software Engineer, Mark, could wax poetic about all the exciting search updates we’ve made. In fact, you may have noticed it already if you have thousands of contacts stored in AMI.

TL;DR — Here’s what you need to know:

  • Advanced Filters help you narrow down your contacts to show exactly who you want to connect with 1:1 right now. They surface the most relevant results at the top based on what you’re searching for.
  • You can now search for customers based on: products purchased, notes you’ve recorded, location, or birthday month.
  • The more filters you add, the more you narrow down your search. Use broad keywords if you want to cast a wide net or more specific terms if you want to narrow it down to a small number of people.
A preview of the latest Advanced Filters

Over 150 sellers across the world tested these new filters

Here are a few #poweredbyAMI stories on how sellers are using this new feature:

“I’ve been searching notes for customers who want to be notified if an item comes back in a catalog. I won’t have to keep a separate list for that now. I also like to search by location so I can notify customers/friends if I’m going to be at an event near them. Amazing features!!!!” — Peggy G.

We 💛 how Peggy is using customer notes to track information about products they’re interested in. With notes now easily searchable, she can quickly surface a list of customers to connect with once products are in stock again.

“If I have a new product in a certain line, I can pull up my customers who have bought past products in the same line. I also put the hostess’ name in my notes so I can now easily pull up everyone from that hostess. So many other things and I’m sure I’ll find more. Love this update!” — Ida H.

With the Product(s) purchased filter, you can type “Pineapple” for example, and easily find everyone who has bought pineapple-related products and may be interested in the newest pineapple-filled release. Ida was able to connect quickly with her customers as soon as the new products launched!

Tell us how you’re using the new Advanced Filters!

We’d love to hear how you’re using Advanced Filters and how this changes how you track information about your business contacts. We recommend taking the time to organize and clean up your contacts’ information from the comfort of your computer by logging into our Desktop Portal. We’re firm believers in: Good data in = great insights out.

Share your wins with us by including the hashtag #poweredbyAMI in your social posts. We’d love to feature you on our Instagram. 🍍

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About Us

We launched in 2017 with the mission: build both a product experience and a community for direct sellers around the world.

We would also love to work with you on future blog posts. If you would like to share your story and experience, send us a blog submission!



Team AMI
Sell with AMI

We’re changing how people build authentic relationships and sell the products they love & transforming the sales industry.