The TOP 5 Reasons Your Marketing Bombs

Heather Towsley
Semantics Sorcery
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2016

#5. You aren’t reaching the right person.
Be sure you’re selling to a person who has the problem you solve. Be sure you communicate in a way THEY prefer. And be sure your message is in the language they speak (it’s all about semantics). Take a different approach when you are reaching out from the top down or the bottom up. Most importantly, your solution is special, so don’t waste your time trying to be everything to everyone!

#4. You’re selling your product/service.
Sell the problem you solve. Not your product or service.

#3. You don’t sustain a marketing campaign beyond 12 months.
Be patient. It takes nurturing and time to build trust and respect. Psychologists refer to these dimensions as warmth and competence. Ideally you want to be perceived as having both. Over time, you can identify meaningful patterns and ways to serve your customers better.

#2. You have no idea where you want to be.
How do you know the direction to take if you don’t know where you want to be? Be sure to quantify what success means to you. Then align your marketing to meet those #s.

#1. You haven’t hired a marketing pro.
This one is so important, it’s the #10 and #1 reason your marketing misses the mark. Hire people who have a passion for marketing and can quickly do what you don’t want to do or need to learn. TODAY.

Click here to read The BOTTOM 5 Reasons Your Marketing Bombs.

