In Web3 Cybersecurity, Tomorrow is Already Too Late: An Interview with Patrick Kim, Founder & CEO of Uppsala Security

Sentinel Protocol Team
Sentinel Protocol
Published in
6 min readFeb 20, 2024

As 2024 unfolds and the markets pick up their pace, we’ve already seen several exploits, hacks, and scams resulting in significant digital asset losses. This trend isn’t new; it’s been a recurring theme since the early days of Bitcoin. However, the maturity of this ecosystem is increasingly evident, as highlighted by the SEC’s recent approval of the Bitcoin ETF. This development signals a new era of recognition and growth for Web3. To shed more light on the integral role of cybersecurity in this evolving landscape, we’ve interviewed Patrick Kim, the Founder & CEO of Uppsala Security. Our conversation with him provides valuable insights into the current cybersecurity climate and Uppsala Security’s vision and plans for 2024.

Q: What inspired the creation of Uppsala Security, and how has it evolved since its inception?

Our venture into security solutions within the decentralized arena was influenced by a personal incident. Back in 2016, I faced the loss of 7,218 Ethereum tokens from a geth-mist wallet, which was compromised due to security flaws that weren’t known at the time. While blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies offer a promising alternative to centralized systems and traditional currencies, we must acknowledge their susceptibility to misuse or security risks. Although the landscape is gradually incorporating solutions like regulatory frameworks and transaction tracking, our project pioneered the concept of a crowdsourced Threat Intelligence platform. This innovation allows users globally to contribute to security measures by either whitelisting or blacklisting data. This approach is not just more aligned with the ethos of decentralization, but it also provides almost instantaneous Threat Intelligence to our corporate clients, partners, and global users who aim to safeguard their digital assets.

Q: What are the most pressing cybersecurity challenges in the Web3 space today?

The Web3 space is navigating through a complex array of challenges still, including vulnerabilities and exploits in smart contracts, the delicate balance between scalability and security, risks associated with Decentralized Finance (DeFi), issues in cross-chain security, and the manipulation of front-running and transaction ordering. Among these, phishing attacks and scams are particularly prevalent and increasingly dangerous, especially with the new emerging technologies like AI. These threats are pervasive across the entire Web3 community. Procrastination in taking preventive actions, such as self-education or adopting risk assessment tools, can be costly. The time to act is now; delaying until tomorrow to bolster your defenses could be too late.

Q: What was the highlight of 2023 in terms of Uppsala Security’s achievemnts?

In 2023, our primary focus was on technological advancements. We dedicated ourselves to enhancing our tools, integrating new tokens, and developing solutions tailored to the global Web3 community, designed to cater to Millions of users. A standout moment, if I were to pinpoint one, would be our collaboration with INTERPOL and other prestigious entities during the Africa Cyber Surge II Operation. Working alongside these esteemed organizations was a great honor and had a significant positive impact on the decentralized space. The successful investigation led to the arrest of multiple cybercriminals who were abusing cryptocurrencies for illicit activities, thus tainting the image of decentralized technologies. This achievement reflects our commitment to excellence and global collaboration.

Q: What are the latest innovations or developments at Uppsala Security?

We’re thrilled about the imminent launch of a groundbreaking product that harnesses AI to deliver advanced cybersecurity solutions and efficient transaction tracking for the Web3 community. What’s exciting is its accessibility — it’s designed for everyone, from newcomers to seasoned cybersecurity professionals and Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs). AI, much like blockchain, has the potential for both positive and negative applications. Unfortunately, we’ve seen its misuse by scammers and fraudsters within the Web3 community. Our ambition is to channel AI’s capabilities towards beneficial ends. Currently, this product is in its Beta phase, but we’re gearing up for an official launch soon. To keep up with the latest updates, make sure to follow our Twitter and Telegram channels. An opportunity you won’t want to overlook.

Q: How does Uppsala Security differentiate itself from other players in the Web3 cybersecurity space?

When considering how Uppsala Security stands out in the Web3 cybersecurity space, it’s important to first acknowledge the collective efforts being made across the industry to enhance the security of the Web3 ecosystem. The battle against malicious activities in this space is truly a joint effort.

Focusing on our specific strengths, we believe our user interface and user experience (UI/UX) truly set us apart. This aspect of our service is meticulously designed to ensure ease of use and effectiveness, catering to the diverse needs of our users. Additionally, our relatively small team size is a significant advantage. It grants us the agility and flexibility to quickly adapt to the evolving needs of our clients and partners, a critical factor in the fast-paced and ever-changing landscape of Web3 security.

Q: Are there common misconceptions about Web3 security that you’d like to address?

One major misconception that needs addressing is the belief that security, including Web3 security, is prohibitively expensive. Often, the critical value of robust cybersecurity measures isn’t fully appreciated until after a breach or attack occurs. It’s vital to reframe the perception of cybersecurity expenses as a long-term investment rather than just an overhead cost.

At Uppsala Security, we’re committed to debunking this myth. We’ve developed and offer tools like UPPward — a browser Extension available for Brave, Chrome, Edge and Firefox free of charge, to help worldwide users protect themselves from hacks, scams, and other malicious activities that could result in the loss of their digital assets. This initiative underscores our belief that effective security should be accessible to everyone.

For our business partners and clients, we take a tailored approach. We strive to understand their specific needs and provide them with precisely the right products or services — not only to avoid extra costs for them but also to make their overall experience better. This bespoke strategy ensures that cybersecurity solutions are both effective and economically viable for different types of users and organizations.

Q: Looking into 2024, what are the major goals and projects that Uppsala Security aims to achieve?

Our overarching mission remains steadfast: to enhance the safety and security of the Web3 space. However, for this year, we have set an ambitious goal to exceed the cumulative reach of all previous years in terms of users and partners benefiting from our tools and services. If it’s one thing you should keep in mind, it is this: Chainkeeper.

Q: What advice would you give to individuals and companies to enhance their security in the Web3 space?

In response to enhancing security in the Web3 space, my advice is straightforward: begin with manageable steps, but it’s essential to start. At Uppsala Security, we offer a range of solutions catering to both preventative measures and responsive actions in the event of hacks, scams, or other malicious activities that result in digital asset loss.

For those seeking cost-effective options, we provide free tools such as the UPPward browser extension. This user-friendly tool can be installed in less than a minute and offers robust protection against online threats. On the other hand, for more comprehensive needs, we offer tailored product suites. A prime example is our Crypto Analysis Transaction Visualization (CATV), which assists in investigations by automatically generating visual mappings of transaction flows. Additionally, our Crypto Analysis Risk Assessment (CARA) leverages machine learning to assign risk scores based on observed behaviors, aligning perfectly with current regulatory and compliance demands.

The key is to address your specific requirements, but the critical factor is to initiate protective measures proactively. In Web3, waiting until after an incident occurs is often too late, so taking timely action is paramount for safeguarding your digital assets.

Q: What single word would best describe Uppsala Security in 2024?

A: Breakthrough.

Q: How can interested parties get involved or learn more about Uppsala Security?

The most effective way would be to visit our official website,, and to follow us on platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn. If you’re interested in exploring new partnerships and collaborations, we’d love to hear from you. Drop us a message through our contact form or shoot us an email, exciting opportunities await. And gear up for our upcoming launches — a breakthrough you’ll want to be part of! :)

About Uppsala Security

Uppsala Security is a leading provider of innovative security tools and services, specializing in Crypto Anti-Money Laundering/Counter-Terrorist Financing (AML/CTF), Transaction Risk Management, Regulatory Compliance, and Transaction Tracking. With a team of experts dedicated to staying ahead of emerging threats, Uppsala Security empowers both end-users and organizations with the knowledge and tools to safeguard their operations in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrencies.

Uppsala Security is headquartered in Singapore and has branch offices in Seoul, South Korea. Follow Uppsala Security on Telegram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Medium.



Sentinel Protocol Team
Sentinel Protocol

Operating on blockchain technology, Sentinel Protocol harnesses collective cyber security intelligence to protect crypto assets against hackers, scams and fraud