📝 Weekly Progress Update — 13 to 19 Aug

Anne Riana
Sentinel Chain
3 min readAug 21, 2018


InfoCorp Foundation appoints CEO Roy Lai as new chairman of InfoCorp Foundation. Our Mobile App team has released CrossPay version 1.18. Our Myanmar Flood Relief Programme closed on 15th August 2018 raising a total of 30.32 ETH for the flood victims.

Here’s the full Weekly Progress Update.

A. Technical development

CrossPay Mobile App Development

Our Mobile App team has released CrossPay version 1.18 incorporating the following features:

(a) Premium Amount field in Livestock Identity: Farm and/or livestock owner has the option to enter the agreed Premium Amount for the livestock insurance. This feature has been added in the “Create/Update Livestock” and “View/Verify Livestock” section. Once entered, this data will be published to the blockchain.
(b) QR code design has been improved to work even under direct sunlight.
(c) Grouping of Towns by State/Region — User can now easily search and find the location of his town.

Our CrossPay team has also worked on the following:
(a) Backend API setup: Designed a more granular level of security “livestock data view access privilege” to ensure that private data remains on the private blockchain.
(b) CrossPay infrastructure setup: Testing Barracuda Web Application Firewall setup
(c) CrossPay infrastructure setup: MultiChain testing to avoid single points of failure and resolve sync issues between MultiChain Node clustering and R-Sync solution.

B. Country updates


Myanmar Flood Relief Programme

“There are normally floods, but not like this year. This year is the worst ever.”
Myint Myint Than, one of the hundreds taking refuge in a shelter in Bago.

We have invited our community to join us in our effort to help the people in Myanmar who have been severely impacted by the torrential floods which have already displaced 150,000 people. Our Myanmar Flood Relief Programme closed on 15th August 2018.

We would like to thank everyone everyone for helping the Myanmarese cope and recover from the torrential floods this year where people and animals perished, and others made homeless are crowded inside shelters at temporary relief centers, schools, halls and monasteries. Diseases and infections spread including fever, pneumonia and dysentery. A total of 30.32 ETH equivalent to SGD 11,709 will be donated. We’ll be sharing more details of how funds have been used as soon as they become available. Thank you all again for joining us in our efforts to make a difference.

C. Announcements

InfoCorp Foundation Appoints Roy Lai as New Chairman

InfoCorp Foundation Appoints Roy Lai as New Chairman.

Effective 15 August 2018, Roy Lai, CEO of InfoCorp Technologies, assumes role as new chairman of InfoCorp Foundation, as existing foundation members relinquish their leadership roles. Roy remains CEO of InfoCorp Technologies as he concurrently serves as chairman of InfoCorp Foundation.

“I will endeavor to share a credible plan with our community to explain our next steps in a week or so, and how we will regain the confidence of our community.” Roy Lai

Read the full announcement here: https://medium.com/sentinelchain/important-announcement-infocorp-foundation-appoints-roy-lai-as-new-chairman-3dcac257a4e9

Sentinel Chain is a blockchain-based international marketplace for cross-border financial services and the world’s first platform to accept the use of livestock as collateral. Taking a unique approach to the last mile problem of financial inclusion, the Sentinel Chain model establishes livestock provenance through the creation of livestock insurance on blockchain — the registration of livestock provenance on blockchain provides the unbanked with a new opportunity: the real possibility of accepting livestock as ‘collateral’ for loans. Sentinel Chain is a project by InfoCorp Technologies

Website: https://sentinel-chain.org
Medium: https://medium.com/sentinelchain
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