Weekly Progress Update

Sue Meng CHAN
Sentinel Chain


27th August to 2nd September 2018

A. Technical development

CrossPay Mobile App Development

Our Mobile App team has released CrossPay business version 1.18.4 and CrossPay mobile version 1.18.5 incorporating the following features:

a. In the Country selection, each country now has its corresponding flag image in the country selection screen. App users can easily select their country even without comprehending English.

b. In cases where internet is unstable or working at low speed (2G) conditions, when uploading an image can take several minutes, users have option to “Cancel” image upload process. They can proceed to performing other functions in the app whilst the image uploading process continues running in the background.

c. To evaluate the app performance, we tested the Image upload function with concurrent users.

d. To counter to the attesters ability to automatically access user profiles in the user multichain, we have implemented an “auto subscribe” stream into the attester multichain, instead of having to explicitly call for attesters to subscribe to it in multichain. This makes CrossPay backend clean and easy to maintain.

Sentinel Chain Development Updates

a. We have completed the centralized log management to handle transaction and smart contract tracking.
b. We chose Graylog/Elasticsearch for quick tracking and filtering.
c. We have created the docker images for easier deployment.
d. We have completed the design for the final Sentinel Chain architecture.
e. We are building RancherOS to easily manage the Docker containers.

B. Announcements & News

Last week, we also -

Welcomed distinguished Professor Pei Sai Fan to InfoCorp Foundation. Prof. Pei brings along a wealth of governance experience from his days with the Monetary Authority of Singapore. We are fortunate to have his involvement and look forward to his guidance to assist InfoCorp Foundation in establishing the right governance model. Here’s link to the article if you missed it or wish to revisit it.

Shared “Sentinel Chain Explained — SENC: This article helps you to appreciate the inner workings into its Who; What; When; Why; How. See why its success is ultimately determined by how well it will be adopted for real world use. However, we should not confuse the price of a token in the exchange for the value of a token. SENC is a utility token and is defined by the 6 major use cases explained in the whitepaper. …

Shared that our CEO, Roy Lai has been invited to Consensus Singapore to talk about Sentinel Chain’s real world use case that will drive speed and scale to global goals for betterment of society. It’s less than 3 weeks away; we hope to meet you there. Do retweet this and remember to #sentinelchain.

And …

Is history in the making? Moo! And we are in it! Read what Daw Sandar Oo, managing director of Myanma Insurance says in this article by Asia Insurance Review. Here’s to success of OUR joint project. For the first time in 30 years, Myanmar will launch insurance policy covering livestock insurance. How many livestock owners will be able to raise themselves out of poverty? Don’t forget to share it on Facebook and #SentinelChain.

Our solution for the world is only useful when it’s adopted, especially at beneficiary level. A great deal of emphasis is hence placed on farmer training. Here’s a video to illustrate part of the ongoing training programme.

Braving rain and storm, this video shows our boat ride across tall cornfields is just another way to get to just another day, hard at work in Myanmar: Watch it again here. It provoked lots of thoughts about impact of the floods to those who have little or no buffer against it. Whilst we cannot change a natural disaster that has happened, we can contribute to its alleviation efforts with such actions as our recent flood relief programme. Above all, we can all be a part of helping them to help themselves build buffers into their lives with Sentinel Chain. What do you think? Subscribe to our channel to enjoy all our videos.

Sentinel Chain is a blockchain-based international marketplace for cross-border financial services and the world’s first platform to accept the use of livestock as collateral. Taking a unique approach to the last mile problem of financial inclusion, the Sentinel Chain model establishes livestock provenance through the creation of livestock insurance on blockchain — the registration of livestock provenance on blockchain provides the unbanked with a new opportunity: the real possibility of accepting livestock as ‘collateral’ for loans. Sentinel Chain is a project by InfoCorp Technologies

Website: https://sentinel-chain.org
Medium: https://medium.com/sentinelchain
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Announcements: https://t.me/sentinel_ANN
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