Deflating the Scrum Values

5 ways the Scrum Values can be deflated by the status quo

Paddy Corry
Serious Scrum
6 min readJun 18, 2019


The Scrum Values

Scrum is defined as:

“A framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value.” (Scrum Guide)

This definition includes a mention of ‘value’, but the Scrum Guide also describes 5 ‘values’ that are a basis for Scrum Teams to succeed.

Focus, Respect, Openness, Commitment and Courage should be prized in Scrum Teams and the organisations in which they work. These 5 values are the foundation for effective, creative delivery of the highest possible value in Scrum teams working on complex, adaptive problems.

The Scrum Guide provides the definition of Scrum, and it is quite clear on the importance of these values:

“Successful use of Scrum depends on people becoming more proficient in living these five values.” (Scrum Guide)

Devaluing Scrum

Many behaviours can seem contradictory to the Scrum values. These behaviours are often grounded in a different context to Scrum. Indeed, sometimes those behaviours are seen as the way we work right now.

In many ways, the Scrum Values can challenge the status quo in teams and organisations. If we believe the authors of the Scrum Guide, failing to change the status quo will cause our Scrum adoption to fail, or cause teams to simply go through the motions with Scrum, and never realise the benefits of a successful Scrum adoption.

This post is about recognising some behaviours that can describe organisational status quo, and deflate the Scrum Values in the process. Beneath each ‘deflating statement’, I’ve included links to posts from this publication to help deal with the situation. If you would like more advice about living the Scrum Values, check out the other posts in this series.

1. We deflate Focus by encouraging Multi-tasking

Deflating statement: “Nobody in this organisation has the privilege of working on one thing at a time, it’s just not realistic. Ask anyone in Sales, Marketing, Finance, HR: we are all juggling and managing many threads at once. Why should the software development resources be any different? As a Scrum Master you should be able to manage this, right?”

Reinflate with: A Scrum Master should be a benevolent dictator — Are you serious!?

Deflating statement: “I’ve never been a software developer, but I don’t understand why building this web form is so complicated. These are just small changes. The team should be capable of delivering more than their current output, so perhaps some stretch goals can push them to deliver more? Maybe we need more capacity, or more resources to enable that. Let’s measure output to see.”

Reinflate with: Focus is about past, present and future

2. We deflate Respect by rewarding Individual Performance

Deflater: “How could we deliver anything without our rockstar resources? We really need to keep these resources onside and make sure that we allocate the most interesting work to them, because they are the only ones getting things done.”

Reinflate with: Resources are Resources

Deflater: “Sure there is a backroom of guys making up the numbers, but without our ninjas and rockstars working those extra hours, were would we be!? I mean, Melanie answers emails at 2am! What a complete legend. Look at those others going home every evening at six thirty, they just aren’t performing to the same standard.”

Reinflate with: The Scrum Team

3. We deflate Openness by striving for Control

Deflater: “It just doesn’t make sense to share certain things with the Scrum team. If I gave realistic deadlines without contingency built in, then the team would take their foot off the gas. Too risky. I’d prefer it if the team felt a little bit of pressure to deliver. If deadlines slip in that situation, at least we are covered with our client’s expectations.”

Reinflate with: 5 limiting beliefs associated with a traditionally ‘masculine’ leadership style

Deflater: “Measurement? The only measurement that really matters is delivery to the client. Was that last delivery on time?”

Reinflate with: Scrum’s Artifacts

Deflater: “If I need to give important tasks to developers, I don’t really appreciate you getting in my way. These conversations about ‘process’ (with air quotes) are blocking actual progress. In any case, the team should be able to accommodate the small changes I bring without impacting the deliverables I’ve promised, and that’s the Scrum Master’s concern, not mine.”

Reinflate with: The Scrum Master’s responsibilities

4. We deflate Commitment by wanting teams to work at Full Capacity

Deflater: “I really don’t see how we can afford to set any time aside for training right now. There’s just no way to give that message to the customer without them getting upset. Let me just rehearse how it might go:

I’m sorry, but our ability to deliver is reduced because we are spending 10% of our team’s capacity on learning…

The client would have a heart attack! Look, it’s weird to me that we are talking about this while we have a backlog of work to deliver. First, we need to get ahead of our current delivery backlog, as well as the promised future deliverables on which we’re already behind, *then* there might be space for dialogue on things like that.”

Reinflate with: The Sprint Backlog

5. We deflate Courage by seeking Obedience

Deflater: “What we really need are compliant resources who get the job done. They just need to implement these solutions, I don’t understand why it is so hard?”

Reinflate with: Resources are Resources

Deflater: “The Scrum Master really needs to manage the development team so we can achieve our targets. If that means putting in a few extra hours or working a few weekends here and there, then maybe that’s what it takes...”

Reinflate with: The Scrum Master’s responsibilities

Deflater: “If everyone could just get behind these solutions and implement them, then we would definitely get more delivered each sprint…”

Reinflate with: Courage exists in many forms


For Scrum to make an impact it is vital for teams and organisations to live the Scrum Values. Maybe you recognise some of the situations and behaviours in this post that can deflate the Scrum Values of Courage, Respect, Openness, Focus and Commitment.

As Scrum Professionals, it is challenging to know how to behave in situations like the ones above. However, as Development Teams, Scrum Masters and Product Owners, we can all behave in different ways to help organisations live the Scrum Values. Behaviours change cultures. Recognising behaviours that impede the Scrum Values can help to change them.

Challenging the status quo means having critical conversations, discussing alternatives with humility and radical candor, and always showing respect.

This activity in itself requires us to live the Scrum Values of respect, courage, openness, commitment and focus… and nobody ever said it would be easy.

I guess I could have mentioned this earlier, but ‘not being easy’ is actually another part of the definition of Scrum:

“Scrum is lightweight, simple to understand, difficult to master” (Scrum Guide)

But hey: Serious Scrum is here to help you on your journey.

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Paddy Corry
Serious Scrum

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